I'm used to RNG i played D1 got the "jelly horn" after one month, but never ever got vex mythoclast. I didn't have much of a problem getting two of my guardians to 385 here, but my warlock is stuck at 384. Only needing a bond for 8 weeks now... EIGHT weeks (going on 9) ... 62 days and no warlock bond.
You've designed RNG to be more liberal with legendary gear, but my warlock i swear is bugged. One week she gets only helmets and smg's then the next only gauntlets and again smg's, then back to only helmets and yep you guessed it smg's, then a mix of armor and weapons (no bond), then back to only helmets and smg's. After 4 weeks of that nonsense. Things are mixed up a bit more, but damnnnn no bond. This seems more like a bug than RNG given the repeating pattern for 4 weeks... But i know, everyone is going to say RNG, but I need to complain somewhere.
I hear ya. Hit 385 rather easily on my Warlock and Titan. Sat at 384 for 3 weeks with my hunter needing a helmet. Two of those weeks consisted of me only getting boots and hand canons! Finally got a helmet today on the last engram (Prestige NF). 384 vs 385 is one of those things that doesn’t really matter. I didn’t lose sleep over it or anything but it was just one of those mild irritations. May RNG bless you sooner than later!
Do the 3 raids every week
to fix this delete char and make a new one
How often do you raid? I get like 2.5 sets a gear per one run
Same thing happened to me. Let me give you some advice on how to get to 385. Stop caring, and it will happen.
Edited by Wisak: 7/29/2018 7:38:48 PMI was stuck at 371 for 4 weeks, and 2 weeks at 376. I still didnt get to 380.
[i]I'm still looking for a pair of 385 underpants. I haven't worn any for weeks. It's rather freeing, I might add.[/i]
Do raids. Problem solved.
Ep gives you a bond for the chest open the first open. Then again at the 6 th
Go do the raid or raid lair. They give out class items a lot. Or wait for a 380 vendor and spam tokens at them.
You're pathetic. JK! who cares about 384 vs 385 though?
Edited by Ben: 7/29/2018 5:41:08 PMIve heard an issue with this before, I remember playing with somebody a week ago saying they havent gotten a hunter cloak in 9 weeks, im not really sure why but my only assumption is just extremly bad luck. Though it could also be a glitch but it wouldn't make sense why its only affecting a very small amount of players.
I think Bungie just hates you at this point
I’ve been having the same problem no bond for the past 8 weeks to xD
The day Forsaken drops it won't mean shit and the difference between 384 and 385 is negligible. At this stage it's literally just a number.
Rng sucks,no difference between 384,and 385.
Well look what we have here: ANOTHER GUARDIAN WHO HASN'T HIT MAX LIGHT (or power) and decides to cry (like a baby) on the forums. Geez I hope the Forsaken DLC will solve this problem that GOES ALL THE WAY BACK TO D1. (Baby arms smash you!)