Here is a image of planet naming convention someone made for No Man Sky.
I find it facinating!
Other link (older verison):
edit: I would like to change it by replacing the "Direction" with the initials of my gamertag / the founder's gamertag.
edit 2: Also, I would like to add that "interesting planets" or planets that are wierd/unique like ( should be given unique names for example this planet should be called Sadworld, Unhappy planet, or Achlys.
Edited by Pie: 7/29/2018 4:07:00 PMDjibouti Djibouti Apha Djibouti Beta Djibouti Gamma Djibouti Delta Djibouti Epsilon Etc, etc. Then we go with the double; Djibouti Sigma Epsilon. And triple; Djibouti Delta Gama Kappa. How to name systems tho 🤔