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7/20/2018 12:59:59 PM

I don't like Arsenal modifier, here's why

[b]It forces players to rely on their supers for boss dps:[/b] Destiny is mainly focused on gunplay, that said abilities and supers also gives players room to do cool things and fulfill their power fantasy. However there should be a balance between the two for at least for pinnacle level activities. Making weapons redundant for boss DPS removes a lot of gameplay options from and reduces the effectiveness of some subclasses. Sİnce a team would like to maximize their damage output subclasses ensures high dps will be the optimum choice. Arcstriders with Raiden Flux, Sunbreakers with Syntoceps and Gunslingers with Celestial Nighthawks will be go to classes and people who won't have access to the necessary exotics would have a hard time doing damage. This will also create another issue with orb generation especially on Argos where multiple supers can be cast by using Orpheus Rig Nightstalkers which boosts the damage potential at least by 100% where no other subclass can bring anything of that value to the ream. Again an exotic item which can only be obtained by now rare exotic drops on top of RNG unless Xur sells it. [b]It reduces the effectiveness of primary and energy weapons significantly:[/b] Losing reload disables some perks like Kill Clip, Ambitious Assassin, Outlaw. It also reduces the effectiveness of some modes like raid leg mods that grants Energize. Basically what players are doing is dumping ammo on both primary and secondary as fast as possible to gain access to their power weapon. So even a weapon in that slot is powerful you need to consider how fast you can dump your ammo rather than how it will help you clear adds. Forcing players outside of meta is something but forcing players outside of meta and nerfing remaining choice of weapons is I think overkill. It creates another level of stress on players where you constantly check which weapons should be ready and when (pulse rifles for Argos stun phase, Power Weapons for Major Gladiators just before scout phase etc). Another issue is since you cannot rely on your weapons exotics armour and abilities that help increase effectiveness of weapons also become redundant like Lunafaction Boots, Empowering Rifts and Rally Barricades. [b]TL;DR[/b] Arsenal forces you to play in a very specific style with only few viable subclasses exotics and reducing your weapon choices only to a handful of few. I'm really excited to see how Prism will turn out since it won't be limiting players like Arsenal and will create a good balance of High Risk/ High Reward plays. Hopefully the third modifier won't be as limiting as this one.

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