Hello! I inherited this clan and I'm looking to expand our numbers. Everyone here is a pretty casual player so we're looking for chill people to play the game with and get clan xp. We would rather play with clan members than rando's and would like to get a shot at the raid.
There is no light, level, or last logged on requirement. I'm pretty relaxed when it comes to playing so I understand some people have other lives out side of destiny.
Looking to complete the raid at least once and willing to set up a monthly or bi weekly raid day as well. I'm also down to set up crucible groups or night fall groups so that everyone can get the full use of the game.
If you just want the perks of being in a clan but feel like being a solo player that's ok too. Over all I'm pretty relaxed about gaming in general just looking to have fun and get the full experience of destiny.
How can i join up? Ran a clan in D1 on xbox and just getting back into destiny on ps4
Hi your clan sounds just what I'd suite. Pretty casual gamer, on 3 or 4 times a week solo and do an all nighter with my mate on Saturday nights. If you'll have me I'll bring some xp to the table at least 😊
Hey I’m just getting back into Destiny after a long break. My old clan was inactive so I’m looking for a new one and you guys seem cool. I’m a pretty casual player but you guys seem to be ok with that. Would love to tackle a raid eventually as well. I’ll send a request to join if you would like to add me to your clan.
I'd like to join as well, I just switched back over from Xbox so I'd like to get back into the swing of things.
I would like to join
Send an invite
Invite me pls😎
How can I join?