You are joking right? In Crucible in general, its around the 15% mark. But in Comp and Trials, were you use the absolute BEST to win, its more like 50-60% JUST G Lance, with a small lower percent in Trials due the rewards casual players have to gain. Then the V Wing is 40-50% on PC and 30-40% on consoles. That is, statistically, 2 damn guns that make ~90% of all "play-to-win" loadouts. Sure you can compete with other guns, but when 2 players of equal skill face-off, its that 1 out of 10 scenario than those two pulse rifles would lose. If you have a wicked aim, the V WIng rewards with a .83 second kill time. If you have less than good aim, the G Lance holds your hand for a respectable 1.00-1.07 second kill time. Bring the legendaries to this kill time while leaving the Healing Perks (V Wing) and Cosmology (G Lance) to the exotics, for that slight chance of making it situantionally better. NOT 100% FREAKING BETTER IN EVERY WAY. And while I am here, I main Hunter and I say NERF THE WORMHUSK. The only thing I would def say needs a TRUE nerf. Please post your intelligent thoughts down below and if you believe I am on the right track. Thanks for reading!
Please buff scout rifles. Please buff hand cannons. Please nerf heavy ammo drop.
I agree that we need more buffs to bring more weapons to the table, we're still too low for any nerfs though.
I agree with everything
Check out this article. Grenades, Melees, time to kill, and Team shooting.
Edited by Cal: 7/11/2018 7:02:56 PMHey lets nerf everything so we go back to Vanilla Destiny 2 cause that was so awesome 90% of the community left. jk. I agree we should buff all the other weapons so we have more options. and we don't need to nerf wormhusk. all guardians can start health reg titans have the crest and warlocks have devour.