What's everyone's thoughts on the Skorn? Are they just another Fallen re-skin?... We've already had Siva so I'm kind of thinking - yeah it's going to be another re-skin...
I do think they look pretty damn cool from what's we've seen so far though!
I can honestly say I won't really care if they can pull off some great campaign missions and new lore along with replay-ability then I don't think I'll mind...
That being said I know a lot of people will be thinking that it's just another lazy attempt for "new content"...
But I guess I would argue that I would prefer a quick fix re-skin and concentrate on improving game play and replay-ability rather than putting everything into a new race and no game play improvements...
What's everyone's thoughts?...
Reskin? Yes indeed. The question is... has the AI changed? Probably not but that's OK. It looks like they reskined everything, also. It saves them some money. They need to make as much money as possible so they can produce Destiny 3 and reskin everything there, too. I hope they put out a lot more emotes, ghost shells and sparrows so people have something to spend money on worthwhile. I only received one each over the last 6 months from faction rallies.