For the past week or so, every once in a while when I do something that causes me to go into third person (including shadowshot and emotes as well as dodging, but NOT using a sword or arcstrider super), the 3rd person animation doesn't trigger and it locks me into 1st. This is especially annoying with shadowshot as it makes it harder to aim (it doesn't even show the bow, just the arrow). It happens randomly and sometimes it works fine so it's completely unpredictable as far as I can tell. I've only noticed this on my Hunter but it is the character I play the most so as it is so unpredictable with timing and randomness I am not sure if it is a bug that can affect all characters or just hunters. Or maybe just nightstalkers specifically...
Hi there, and thank you for your report! We've seen a few reports on this. Would you mind to provide a video? Are you doing anything specific that causes the 3rd person POV to no appear?