Edit: [i][u]Red♦️Text[/u][/i] answered our summons, and has provided us, on this day of July 5th 2018, with Excalibur Umbra (and some QoL stuff like
new UI, etc.). I will cherish this day forever.
May the RNG gods bless you with many prime sets, Tenno.
Warframe is pay2win
‘Bout time
Cant wait to massacre everything with my Strun Wraith.
Edited by What I Look Like: 7/8/2018 12:32:24 PMI'm seeing a lot of excuses about how Warframe isn't pay to win. It literally is though. Not that I give a fck, it just is. Trading is always mentioned first. You CAN trade, but that shit isnt just an option at all times. You need rare shit people want in the first damn place. You dont just hop into trade and roll your sleeves up, expecting anything. Then people say you can grind out everything. Same with Clash of Clans.. but if you buy shit you get it all way faster and can benefit from it right away. Pay. To. Win. Very different games, same damn idea. It isnt hard to see. Warframe pay to win is hidden under a mountain of excuses, but it is definitely there. The people who pay for stuff are people who either play a lot, or a little. The target for pay to win would probably be "casual" players, people who want shit quick without putting forth the time it takes to go the free route. You as a player might not take that pay to win route, but that doesn't make the game NOT pay to win. That means YOU didn't pay to win. Real easy concept to get.
PC player and I still haven't played it yet. I have 4 or 5 quests left to finish first. I've seen a lot of people loving Umbra though.
8 second build times are unsettling...
hmm.. define QOL. What exactly?
Edited by CatMan: 7/5/2018 10:47:21 PMDont they have a forum?
The cult of the Red Text at Kuiper 1 on PS4 was hilarious yesterday.
That's cool. I finally gave Warframe a go on PC after not being able to get into it at all on Xbox. I started yesterday and I'm hooked. The game plays much better with a mouse and keyboard than it did with a gamepad.
Prepare 2 pay to win for it or grind for a very long time!!
Indeed. As a console scrublord, I am firmly prepared for the red-text hype.
I personally couldn’t get into warframe but i hope you guys enjoy it