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7/3/2018 12:14:24 AM

Season 3 Faction Rally #2: The Good, The Bad and No Ugly

Perhaps people have already voiced their opinion on Reddit about this, but I'll share my opinion on Faction Rallies as many have already done the same. So Bungie, the 2nd Faction Rally of Season 3 is soon to end and oh boy it was a doozy. There was some good, but by the gods, a load of bad. But thankfully it is bad that can be easily changed. So here we go: The Good: -I had more time to farm. I'll just get this out of the way. The 1st Faction Rally, I only got to Rank 17 with New Monarchy. This was because I was enrolled in a summer class for university. That is not Bungie's fault for obvious reasons, it was just unfortunate. However, now that summer vacation has truly began for me, I can now easily farm without any time issues....for the most part. This 2nd Faction Rally I buckled down and got to Rank 50 by Friday. It felt so good to hand in all my tokens. -Faction Rallies made me think and plan ahead. I was doing a lot of basic math and strategic farming in Destiny 2. If you do the daily Faction Rally objectives from Tuesday to Monday on all 3 characters, you'll get more than half the tokens you need to get to Rank 50 using the new renown system. After that, its just farming, and farming and farming Public Events and Lost Sectors, which is good....right? Not really. Which brings us to the Bad. The Bad: -And farming and get the picture. I have no problem with farming in Destiny. Hell I did it back in D1 when Exotic Bounties were considered myths and Ghjallarhorn was sold in the same month that D1 released. But in D2, its the same cycle over and over again. Go to X planet. Do heroic public event. Do 1 or 2 patrols for remaining renown. Go do lost sector. Also fulfill daily faction rally objective. Repeat until 1000 tokens are gotten. Now the daily faction rally objective is fantastic. But farming Public Events and Lost Sectors can a bit boring shall we say. Why not spice it up a little? Which brings me to another problem. -Heroic Strikes during Faction Rallies. 7 tokens per. Strike, 15-20 minutes. PvP? Again, 7 tokens, 10 minutes. Heroic Public Events: 5 tokens, 5-7 minutes MAX. Lost Sector with 5x renown? 10 tokens. Bungie, what happened? Why do the longest activities give the least amount of tokens PER activity? Make Heroic Strikes and PvP give 10 tokens AT LEAST PER MATCH. That way, at least we know that by doing 100 strikes or 100 pvp matches, we'll be guaranteed a real reward for our time and effort. And what about other activities? Nightfall completions? Raids? For Nightfall completions, (as in doing that Nightfall milestone) give us like 50 tokens for our completion. And Raids? Give us at least 100 tokens or hell I saw a video of a Destiny youtuber saying 200-300 tokens from a full raid completion. So in short, just allow other activities to give Tokens and buff the ones that already do, as in Heroic Strikes and PvP. Leave Public Events and Lost Sectors with 5x renown alone. Oh speaking of renown.... Renown: The Amazing but Broken Mechanic. Now a lot of people are complaining about the debuff renown gives you. Well you know what I say...TOUGH SHIT YOU CASUAL GUARDIANS! Back in my day, when Lightswitch and Arc Burn were active and the Nightfall was filled with Vandals and Dregs, that was when you could whine about difficulty. But guess what, we pushed through, played smart and came out with their skulls as trophies. Now that's not to say that renown doesn't have its problems. For example, why not make Renown apply to ALL activities while patrolling on a planet? We already have a debuff, so in return we should get even more tokens from Public Events and High Value Targets. Or if you can't do that Bungie, then just extend Faction Rallies by an extra week. If you push us to do play the game each day and reward us fairly in return for our time and effort, then Destiny 2 could be saved. I know I got off-topic but in short: Either extend the reach that renown has to activities OR 2 weeks of Faction Rallies. I know some have been asking to make it permanent, but there are problems with that 1) Faction Rallies lose their special status as limited time events. 2) It becomes a casual grind (NO GOD. NO GOD PLEASE GOD NO). 3. Other special events get pushed to the side. Tl;dr: Extend the number of activities that can reward tokens, increase the token gain in Strikes and PvP, make renown more rewarding for the debuff we are burdened to carry OR extend Faction Rallies by an extra week. Phew. That was a lot. If you got this far, you get a free handshake, hug, highfive or whatever friendly thank you gesture you prefer. P.S. Really looking forward to seeing more Gambit footage from those who go to GuardianCon this year. -From...a very passionate Guardian who will read lore for hours and hours when Forsaken arrives.

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