Seriously, either the gun can't kill quick enough for someone to slide away with a sliver of HP, or the gun loses out at range to graviton or vigilance wing. The gun needs a serious buff... heck all scouts need a buff. They don't do enough crit damage to be rewarding for a good shot. 3 shot kill scouts were fun in D1 even if we didn't use them much or they weren't meta. I loved them. This? 4 shots to kill a guardian that can heal somehow is just painfully too slow.
I used to think Jade Rabbit in Destiny 2 was still a decent weapon, and I knew it wasn't as good as it used to be, but I won't be able to use it again after playing Destiny 1 yesterday. I played a game of Control and all my shots landed where they were supposed to, it 3 tapped so it could compete with snipers and hand cannons, had 11 shots in the mag, and overall felt like a high impact scout rifle should. Jade Rabbit is another weapon butchered to fit the style of Destiny 2, but it is nowhere near as bad as Destiny 2's version of Suros Regime...