Seriously, either the gun can't kill quick enough for someone to slide away with a sliver of HP, or the gun loses out at range to graviton or vigilance wing. The gun needs a serious buff... heck all scouts need a buff. They don't do enough crit damage to be rewarding for a good shot. 3 shot kill scouts were fun in D1 even if we didn't use them much or they weren't meta. I loved them. This? 4 shots to kill a guardian that can heal somehow is just painfully too slow.
You need to be a lot farther away if you want to compete with Jade Rabbit in PVP. I was getting plenty of easy kills with it even before I finished the catalyst. The higher TTK is true though, most scouts have a higher TTK but its because you're supposed to play at a range where your opponent has a very difficult time getting optimal TTK, where for you it's easy. If you want to run a scout, you're gonna need something to fight back if they get closer, and if they are always too close don't even use them.