Since day 1 of D2 I've never found one single Antiope-D. NOT. A. SINGLE. ONE. Yesterday, I opened more then 75 Banshe's Engrams. I got EVERYTHING but not a single Antiope-D. Last days I opened hundreds and hundreds of them, stil nothing! I talked to other players and they told me that they got the same problem: they simply can't find the Antiope-D, they've never found one! It's like that some players can't find it, like the -blam!-ing thing is bugged for some reason or is locked. Wtf?
I've gotten 7 total Antiopes, the loot pool is very large. I'm sorry rng has not bless you with this beautiful smg, but i don't think it's bugged. Keep trying! I believe! Theres a forum post about someone who has 174 escalation clears and no shotgun, but my friend go it his third run, so it's really just poor luck. What I find is that if you stop wanting it the game will give it to you.