EA, one of the most greedy companies in gaming is actually setting the example for post-launch content. Both Battlefront II, and now Battlefield V, will have no paid for premium content after launch.
Now, I'm sure we are all aware of EA's many issues [i]cough cough micro-transactions and unlawful gambling[/i], but at least they've seemingly done away with paid-for expansions. I think other companies should learn from this, especially Activision and Bungie.
I means seriously Bungie, you think the best way to deliver meaningful post launch content is through a 35 dollar pass. Forsaken actually looks really cool, but the whole annual pass money-grab is very off-putting. Because of this, I think I'm done with the mess that is Destiny.
I love battlefield and battlefront. I don't care what issues people have had with EA. Most of my games had really good connection. Lag was at a minimum. Occasionally I would be kicked out of a match though but at least I kept my progression from that match. I know there is no perfect connection all the time but battlefield and battlefront ran smoothly most of the time for me.