I’m looking to build a gaming PC, and have put together a list, the budget is around $2k and so far I’m staying under that, I want to know if this list is good enough, if not let me know
[spoiler] https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Triumphant1000/saved/R6hRGX
Personally, the corsair carbine spec 4 and spec 3 are pretty good cases to work with in my experience. As for your storage, I personally would recommend going with a small SSD for boot times and a high capacity HDD hard drive with a high rpm for storage. Usually cheaper and gives you plenty of space. Since you are under budget the GTX 1070 and 1070 TI are fantastic price to performance. These are just my opinions though. Not a bad setup. Just I'd shoot a little higher than a 1050TI or wait a little as there is talk going around about an 11 series on the horizon though with the CPU and mother board you have in mind, I think you will definitely be good to go in that department.