You already know what I'm about to say. That these guns ARE great! But... I think to be far to people out there who are haters. They do require a nerf, but not a dramatic one, honestly it's just their stability, and recoil that makes them op. But that's it. Everything else is nice. Just, take it down a notch, cause I like these guns.... But they're getting overused just so people can win glory. And I'm not even that competitive, so yea, again I'm not saying they need the biggest nerf of the generation, just put down the stability, make the recoil of flinching higher, but enough to equalize the crucible again.
(Edit): Either or, they can buff everything else to compete with these guns, and to be clear for 'some' people out there, I'm not asking for the biggest nerf out there to completly ruin the guns again. I'm asking for some minor tweaking to balance it out.
Buff other guns... dont nerf guns while they feel good...
Yeah, I hate Crucible now. All I see is scrubby trashcan players that have to use the meta because they are garbage at this game. And I don't care if people get mad that I say this. But if you use the meta, you're trash, plain and simple. You abuse mediocre weapons. All because you are lazy and don't take the time to learn how to use guns that require skill. Doing bad in Crucible? Pick up one of these meta guns and all of a sudden you're a pvp god.. oh, but you also have to play against every asshat and their dog that has one too.. Literally the worst thing to happen to Crucible. I really don't see why people constantly use this crap when there are plenty of other things to use. what the TTK is fast? So what? Is it really that fun to play against everyone that doesn't stand a chance because they aren't using this crap? It is really stupid.. Every game is me just getting killed over and over and over and over again by Graviton Lance.. it is so boring that I have to play against lazy simple-minded fools every time I want to play Crucible.. It's not even competitive anymore at this point. And all of you idiots abuse these weapons out of sheer laziness will have them nerfed into the dirt. Just like in D1.. Suros Regime was abused.. it got nerfed into the dirt.. Same with the Last Word, Universal Remote, Thorn, MIDA, Shotguns and Snipers. You know why? It's because they were used so much that the health of the game was in jeopardy. It wasn't the guns itself that were overpowered, it was the fact that it was the only thing seen in Crucible. People got sick of it. And they complained. No one wants to play against the same thing every single match with no variety. Oh, and now they want to give Graviton Lance Hidden Hand now? That's the dumbest thing Bungie could do. You take the most over-used weapon in the game and then you make it overpowered. Now watch as you literally see only that gun ever used in Crucible. It will be a part of at least 70% of people's loadouts.
Down-voted for being a wet blanket.
Edited by Xc_LuxZenRa: 6/2/2018 3:03:25 PMsoo if anything gets over used Nerf it down a bit? you do understand this thinking is what made D2 Worse than D1....they literally nerfed everything released D2 with pretty much a few guns that have very similar stats and the moment things get spiced up....NERF NERF Come On man. Either Use Those Guns Or Break a Sweat To get a kill With ur Jade Rabbit. Those Guns Alone Make Destiny 2 fun to Play...The Fact Mayhem is not available all the time is a let besides those guns how in the world do we guardians feel Badass? We need MORE WEAPONS LIKE GRAVITATION LANCE AND VIGILANCE WING. not a notch down. everything is getting limited...lets EXPAND please.
Why wouldn't we buff the stuff that isn't used as much/isn't as good? The mentality that overuse means overpowered is stupid and exactly why D1 PvP ended up as a whole butchered. You have summoned me.
They don't need any nerf, not even a slight nerf. I know you nerfherders love to ruin anything good. You nerfherders had a shot when the game first came out. Unfortunatly the player base bailed on the game, so it's time for buffs, and for guardians to be strong. It's time to stop balancing the weapons in favor of PvP. I am not against a good PvP, but the game suffers when Bungie tries to make the guns/abilities balanced in PvP.
I don’t agree with nerfs just for the sake of pvp. This isn’t just a pvp game with a pve mission set on the side. This is a pve game with a side mode of pvp. That’s my opinion anyway.
Edited by ElectroHail: 6/2/2018 11:31:47 PMPeople who use these guns need to be slapped up, that said, they need to buff everything else to that level now.
Did I get muted?
Nerf yourself. You're the reason that crucible was so bad.
If they keep at it with buffing weapons, then crucible will be in a good spot. Making more weapons "meta" is a good thing.
The only thing needing a nerf is those claiming nerf. :P
No nerfs. Keep them as is. They are fun to play.
Actually Sunshot is god especially with Masterwork
These weapons are not even close to having a "fast" TTK when compared to D1 weapons and yet here we are talking nerfs. just sad.
my "meta" for pvp is HC / PR / SR so i can unlock ornaments. i'm bad?
What the -blam- are you talking about Crimson needing a nerf? Barely anyone uses it in PvP.
Stop. Just stop. No more nerfs. Continue to buff other exotics if you want a greater range. Do not make us less powerful.
Sorry. No nerfs.
How about buff other shit? God damn, enough with wanting everything nerfed.
Go away. We don’t need nerfs.
I disagree:). They need to buff the other weapons. Stop calling for nerfs. You are the type of player that ruined destiny in the first place. Thanks for that.
ewww, you want the guns to feel worse. If anybody at bungie thinks like you i hope they get fired.
Nope... these guns are in the sweet spot. Bring ALL OTHER Weapons to this level so people have options. Don't take a step back, ONLY go FORWARD>
I feel like Crimson does not need a nerf. It feels amazing. Not overpowered. I do find Vigliances wing and Gravitons lance annoying but they are also not overpowered. Just very powerful compared to to other weapons. And other weapons are just really weak right now. Honestly, keep GL and VW where they are and just buff other weapons to counter or be equally as powerful as those 2.
I don’t think they need a nerf at all, I don’t think they are the fastest time to kill either. If you hit someone with a fighting lion and headshot handcannon is the fastest time to kill right now and really has been but nobody can make it work without practice. I think there are others with faster time to kills if the perk procs too which is what I feel makes it a very good crucible right now because of time to kill being what it is but... eh if it changes I’ll adapt to that as well but I maintain a positive KD without using the meta at all so I feel really good about the balance.