I get match into a 4 v 2 game, then get hit with a quitters penalty for leaving. Why shouldn't the game give me the option to leave when we don't have a full squad before the match even starts?
Game should fix that. Like it if notices you got disconnected with an error code or something like that you shouldn’t be penalized. And t shouldn’t spawn you into anything that isn’t a 4v4.
This is a serious issue: I've had the same story except for it being 1v4 survival from the get go. Nothing I could do about it.
Often times if it’s a 3v4 the three team wins, no idea why. Never been in a 2v4 but all my 3v4 games have resulted in the three team winning
Solo players should not be matched with fire-teams. Period. Make Ranked solo only or have a middle ground and allow max party size of 2. Right now more people refuse to play ranked because of matchmaking.