Personally I think PS4.
But no disrespect for Xbox. You can change your gamer tag, I'm super jealous on that. Also your controller is superior. I used to be a Xbox player myself.
Definitely PS4, Xbox barely even has exclusives anymore
Wait, why is PlayStation winning? Does it have Halo now?
Uncharted series, Infamous Second Son, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, Kill Zone etc.
Edited by djtanng: 5/31/2018 10:19:52 PMSince this is an all out console war thread... Let's fight! Xbox has Halo and the X, but also has a shit cheap plastic controller with an 80% defective controller ratio along with weirdly positioned buttons and overall stupid design. PS4 doesn't have Halo, but has a solid well built controller with a comfort level that's on par with the legendary Xbox 360 controller. Xbox 360 controller vs PS4 controller. So, so hard to decide. I'd have to flip a coin on it. [spoiler]I had to vote Xbox for Halo.[/spoiler]
Nintendo owns ps4 tho
Edited by SuperStormDroid: 5/30/2018 4:34:44 PMThe PS4 has better fighting games. For example, Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2, and BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, which is launching next week.
PS4>Xbox one Xbox>ps
Nintendo Switch, but out of those PS4. Mostly because Xbox doesn't have any exclusives.
PS4 of course. Not sure why you asked a question you knew the answer to. However their exlcusives are all mostly single player linear game experiences without replayability if you ask me. The kinds of a games I play once and go "wow that was a really good story," and then never feel the need to play through again. I'm more of a multiplayer kinda guy.
I like the ps4 controller because it has a speaker. Reminds me of old McDonalds toys. Kinda like the Wii remote would have audio play when selecting characters in Brawl. But yeah I prefer PlayStation Exclusives even though I don't own a Ps4.
Playbox hands down.
Only a moron (or troll) would vote for Xbox at this point. They can't make more than 2 or 3 mediocre/shit AAA games (plus a solid Forza) per year. Xbox is a -blam!-ing joke right now. I really hope that the Fable rumor is true. It'll probably be the best AAA game they've released this generation.
I’ve got my Day one edition XB1 and Xbox do a lot of things right however PS4 win hands down on exclusives. Currently blasting through Persona 5, my game before that was InFamous, after Persona I’m going to be playing Horizon Zero Dawn and I’ll be buying GoW after that PS4 are just miles and miles ahead on exclusives
Playstation 4. Just about everything about the console is better than the Xbox One. The games, UI, controller, store, smaller. The only thing thing Xbox One does better is better mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Halo is kinda dead to me except for Installation 01, that game looks awesome.
Games - PS4 Live Service - Xbox Controller - Xbox Ease of Navigation - PS4 Most Toxic Online Community - Xbox Graphics - PC......oops
As of now, it would have to be Playstation 4. But if you look at it from Xbox vs Playstation, it would definitely be Xbox. Halo CE, 2, and 3 blow everything Playstation has out of the water.
Playstation for a while now IMO. I have an XB1 but the single player PS games are all really good. Uncharted is a bit uninspired but that's it.
Why is this even a question??? Switch> PS4> My Hand> Xbone
This isn’t a matter of opinion... Here, I can do one too: Which number is bigger? A). 7,502 B). 1
Lol it's not even a contest, nobody with any kind of objectivity can say Xbox One has better exclusives than PS4, it's just not true. You shoulda thrown Switch up there for some competition.
The only exclusive I've really enjoyed so far on PS4 is God of war. Ratchet and clank was really fun too. I basically use my PS4 for remasters. I'm hoping to pick up nier: automata soon. TBH, I enjoy Xbox exclusives much more. Spent a ton more time on Xbox games. I'm going through recore again and gonna play through sunset overdrive pretty soon. I know I'm in the minority but there's not much on PlayStation I really enjoy. Didn't care for uncharted or horizon zero Dawn. Everyone enjoys different games, saying one system has better exclusives is all personal opinion.
The 360 lineup was good. But the One lineup is lackluster. Halo 5 is the worst Halo in history.
I'm a Xbox player mainly and this poll is pointless PS hands down. Only argument a Xbox player could make is Xbox has better Shooter exclusives as dated as they are.
Even though I’m an Xbox player I feel as though Xbox got the short end of the stick this year for console exclusives. I’m kinda looking forward to crackdown 3 though
Hmm... well let's see Xbox: Sea of Thieves PS4: God of War Uncharted 4 Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection Last of Us Last of Us 2 (soon™) MLB The Show Spider-Man Horizon Zero Dawn Bloodborne
I would have to say xbox. I bought a PS4 this gen because last cycle I felt I missed out on all the PS exclusives. I played a few of the exclusives and then ended up selling my Playstation. The gameplay was just so boring to me. The stories were cool but the mechanics sucked. Gameplay is king in my world!