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Edited by StingyGonzalez: 5/25/2018 7:10:46 AM

Sharing Further Thoughts...

So this game has gone through so many changes since launch. A lot of the changes have been welcomed. Exotics have been powered up, modifiers have been added to heroic strikes, the Eververse facets to get vanity items, and add some activities that add make people want to come back and try it over and over again. However, not all changes are necessarily completely good. There are still many changes still missing to make D2 as epic as D1 was. The reason I bring this up is due to some of my clanmates and I were talking about memories in D1. The raids seemed epic. No, they were epic. VoG, King's Fall, Wrath of the Machine all had secrets that made people explore every nook and cranny. Secret chests, little easter eggs, trying to figure what certain things in the raid did, and parts of quests. Base game and The Dark Below both had full raids with gear and weapons that were unique to them. Not only were they unique, but the weapons earned stood out. Elemental damage and special perks to the gear that were not limited to the raid since the perks were interchangeable and it did not cost any type of raid tokens. We need that magic back! With the changes made to the way the raid lore is being done, with them being on tabs on the weapons, raids can be epic again and insightful. Consumables are not really all that...beneficial. Three of Coins are not all that remarkable. I cannot notice a real difference. On top of that, why are they boons that last 4 hours? Do it like one-time use type of ticket, you know, like D1. Also, I am not really sure what triggers a possible exotic engram drop. It just states that it increases the odds of dropping an engram out in the world. Make it similar to a ticket based usage. Also, make it known what exactly gives a chance of dropping an exotic engram. Strike specific loot is a big topic of talk. The introduction of nightfall loot sounds good, but not the best course of action. The intention was good. The grind is real, maybe too real, to a point that it causes friction of the whole enjoyment of the strikes. Just yesterday, my clanmates stated that they did not want to do a certain strike due to the fact of grinding it to get a weapon. The grind to get the loot is welcomed, but not something that is locked to a week before the player gets the chance to try it again. Bring in such loot to heroic strikes with the same grind. That way, the grind is still present, and the time lock is not a hurdle. Maybe even bring something similar to Skeleton Keys. Sooooo, heroic strikes are an issue as well. Introduction of modifiers is a good idea. However, the actual modifiers themselves are not all that....heroic. Enemies got so many modifiers that made them real tough, which is fine, but us Guardians did not, with the exception of Heavyweight. Melees can 20x more damage from the enemies, meaning a thrall can kill in one a hit. A thrall can kill a godslayer with a melee, while we can barely damage a knight with a melee, even with the brawler modifier. The modifiers that benefit us need to be way more considerable. The singes need to be able to really be a game changer. They can pretty much kill us pretty quick anyways, what's an increase in the amount of damage a singe modifier can cause? High risk and high reward. This type of change will bring heroic movements back. Airborne, specific weapon slot damage, flipping Daybreak! Those made us powerful and made us feel like the godslayers that we are. Escalation Protocol could be done differently. Matchmaking is one issue that impacts the ability to get an actual group. Maybe making it so that people more prone to walk into a lobby where EP is going on as opposed as to taking a person to an empty lobby. Another issue is the reward system. I know that there are 3 chests in the 7 levels of EP, but all a person gets most of the time is token. The rewards need to be dropped at a much higher rate for waves 3 and 5. People need the motivation to keep going and trying EP. Increase the loot pool for EP and spread them out. Difficulty is fine. Rewards do need match the difficulty. Lore, lore, lore. With the newest DLC (Warmind at the time of this post), there was so much potential! There was so much potential with Curse of Osiris! Rasputin, Ana Bray, Osiris were all legends that changed the course of the Guardian universe. However they did not feel grand in their respective DLC. Same thing goes with the bosses, for Warmind specifically. Xol and Nokris, a Worm god and son of Oryx were strike bosses! Xol is a god! He should not go down so easily. I get that I said that we are god slayers, but we have our light tested on our path to bring down these gods. Xol was not a challenge. All he does is crawl and shoot fire and a void ground slam. He is not very godly. And Nokris, son of Oryx and brother of Crota, was taken down almost like a simple wizard. He is an ascendant Hive that is defeated faster than the wizard from wave 2 of EP. Their role in the Warmind story seemed like it was truly underwhelming. Characters that are legends in the lore should not be reduced to one time encounters, at least not just to one story mission. Make Ana Bray fight along side us. Flesh out her backstory. Let us see memories of her during the Battle of Twilight Gap and how awesome she was as a Gunslinger. Let's see Osiris and what he actually does in the Infinite Forest. What about Rasputin? Let's see how Clovis Bray created him and how he first interacted with humanity. Let's see a backstory to the pact that Nokris and Xol made! These are things that can't just be left to a couple lines of dialogue. There are many other things that need to be looked at in D2, but I'm sure there are many streamers that already raised these points and are of common thought with many people. I share this because I care about this game. I know that this all might seem a lot of work, but it's worth it. Destiny is a huge universe with so much story and lore that is yet to be explored.

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