So, to start off my administration, I will be banning schools for a test period to see how it goes. The start shall be June 10th, and the end shall be July 30th, I hope this turns out well. I also am rebooting the downvote brigade, and you can join at either this group: or my Discord: I am active in both
[i]target acquired, all hail lord døøb [/i]
Am I still defense minister?
Ok. I will support!
The RWAWS approves [spoiler]The Rage Winners and War Strategy Association[/spoiler]
My NSA supports your permanent dicta- I mean presidency
Just emailed my professors and everyone in my class a screenshot of this post. [spoiler]This is about to get good.[/spoiler]
Off to a noice start i guess.
The USRO supports this bill.
What happens if I don't participate n the ban from the 10th to the 13th
Yes dad
A very good decision
Two months of peace, good start for our fearless leader.
[quote]Could wyoming be the Governor of Wyoming please?[/quote] ^Wyoming
sorry to be a party pooper, but you don't take office till porch day
Man, I see legislation is off to a good start
Thanks man.
He didn’t call it though