Please excuse the Right while they:
>Make up (f̶̷a̶̷k̶̷e̶̷) alternative fact about 3 million illegal immigrants voting
>support NeoNazîs and the KKK
>try to convince theirvoting base that everyone who is left on the political spectrum are communist
>try to convince half of America that everyone on the left side of this imaginary line hates America
>try to convince America that every little thing Donald Trump does will turn America into a utopia and everything bad that happens because of him is because of Hilary or Obama or some Liberal and it’s not his fault.
>try to convince America that everything the Left does will destroy America .
>screech about Democrats and Librials as if that excuses their own faults.
>try to convince America that the media only tells lies and that’s there’s this big conspiracy out there by some shadowy secret order (The Illuminati?? The Jews??? SNAKE PEOPLE??!?!!!?!) to destroy all conservatives and republicans in order to discredit their opposition.
"B-bbbbbbbbbbbbut muh anti lib agenda! They are dumb dumb and raterd!"[/quote]
[spoiler]This is satire for any of you retards that think I’m being 100% serious. You know who you are[/spoiler]
Can I just start my own Damn party. Hmmmm could call it the Common sense party. The symbol would be an owl. Like woodsy owl from back in the day.