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5/13/2018 12:55:40 PM

Class items suggestion

To Bungie development team, Class items are great and a lot of them look cool and all that, but can we please have an option on the individual pieces to hide them? Warlock armbands seem to go fine with their armor sets, but for titans and hunters some of them just don't compliment certain pieces, i mean its cool and all that you added a light level for an otherwise statless item, but at least let us have some option with it, half of the hunter gear sets would look amazing if they didnt this extremely long cape or even the helmets without the hoods. And a lot of the titan armor sets have a lot of clipping issues with a pretty decent number of the class items. Simple fixes just let us have a hide class item feature. Right now you have warlocks running around wearing the sekris armor who have absolutely no form of a robe, it just looks like regular armor. Begging you guys i miss having a hunter with no cape from D1 and a titan with no sash. Thanks Bungie

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