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Edited by Spawn: 5/7/2018 2:00:44 AM

Meditations - real talk

Let’s be real, a lot of people, if asked what meditations are in D2 wont be able to answer you. And myself, I find that I have not enough incentive to play them, I love the armour sets that are on offer from them but you get 3 tokens a mission and that’s it, it’s just not enough of a reason to keep people playing in my opinion. Plus the fact how I haven’t seen bungie mention meditations... ever, now I think about it I haven’t seen anyone talk about them. What’s your thoughts on meditations and how could bungie make YOU play them, what would make you do them? [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in.  [url=] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • They need a serious overhaul, that's for sure. And with all the discussion about a Solo player end game, I feel like this is the answer we're looking for. The missions should rotate daily, not weekly. This provides a significant increase to the tokens and reward packages we can get. There should also be 3 Heroic versions available for each week that provide more of an end game content. There should also be a weekly Ghaul, Panoptes, or Nokris/Xol/Warmind Boss challenge that puts us against a final boss under significant duress for Prestige level rewards. Rewards need ornaments for armor and unique weapons too. The armor is pretty okay, but it could use some updates and the weapons should be call backs to popular D1 weapons.

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    5 Replies
    • I’ve got 97 tokens in my inventory from doing them plus have all characters at lvl 10 with Ikora. I use the meditations as my weekly weapon test activity. Grab some guns you haven’t used and give it a go. You’ll enjoy it.

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by Black Magic: 5/8/2018 3:11:52 PM
        Meditations are time-gated activities handed out by Ikora Rey, that allow you to replay three story missions per week at higher difficulty, in exchange for 3 Vanguard Technician/Research tokens. Collecting enough tokens will allow you to open Vanguard Technician packages, that allow you to get the Starter armor sets (beginning of the game), at current power levels.

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      • Real talk, I don’t know how much more my ghost can take......

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      • I actually think that vanguard reaserch had a potenital to be a answer to the destiny lore community. If you added collectables, added a codex and tied meaningfull rewards to the codex, like cool guns (I'm thinking of like a gun filled with bits of paper and seals on it like a space marine gun) and of course emblems as you collected pieces of grimore cards to add to the codex. maybe if you added a quick story mission where ikora is trying to get you to remember something from this meditation, like can a certain object. If you tied a codex, ghost scans, grim ore and cool collectables into a vanguard research and reward centre the lore community would be ecstatic. right now it feels like a after thought.

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      • My thoughts on Meditations... They were an after thought added at the last minute. The whole way Meditations work feels like a "oh, crap, we forgot about giving them a way to replay story missions! Quick! we'll just [*toots out Medication concept*]". It feels very half-baked and slapped-together.

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      • They should make a weekly milestone for meditations, adventures, and lost sectors to keep them relevant. Easy. Simple. Literally a flip of a switch. However, this is Bungie. Incompetence is their middle name.

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      • First of all, all story missions, strikes and possible quest missions and adventures should be replayable from the world map. Than ikora could have “special daily/weekly missions” that have modifiers and give extra loot just like we had d1 strike exclusives. Give her a cool armour set and weapon set. Maybe even a weekly milestone. The missions give good xp (i believe about 1/5th or 1/4th of your xp bar with well rested) and they should. Or give her modified missions, lets say you go back to kill ghaul, but this time ghaul is a little thougher/has different abilities. maybe have the fight take place in a different area. Just some ideas that would make me play them

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      • Love the discussion going on in this thread. There are a lot of great ideas for improving Meditations.

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      • I honestly thought it would have specific weapons like the vanguard and crucible. But as you say, i do like the armor. But it's nothing special. Maybe they should have a specific weapon you earn like each destination vendor. Maybe that's a good way to earn invective if they bring it back. I mean it WAS ikoras shotgun.

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      • Edited by J_v_K: 5/7/2018 12:54:09 PM
        1. Give Ikora Rey her own weekly milestone that requires the completion of 5 meditations. Not only would this make her relevant to the end game but it would also help players trying to level up to the max power level cap. 2. Increase the number of meditations available each week from 3 to 5 with 3 from the Red War campaign, 1 from the Curse of Osiris campaign and 1 from the Warmind campaign. 3. Increase the difficulty of the meditations to the same light level required to complete a heroic strike. Yes this would mean that some of the missions would effectively be the player running what would be the current heroic strikes solo. I am sure some folk would appreciate the challenge. 4. Allow the meditations to be repeatable. 5. Add daily challenges to the meditations so that people can farm Vanguard Research tokens. 6. Give Ikora her own exclusive weapons in addition to the armour sets, ones that can only be obtained from Ikora in the same way Vanguard weapons are can only be obtained from Zavala. A good example would be legendary verions of the Traveller's Chosen sidearm, the Sorrow MG2 SMG or the Subborn Oak shotgun.

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      • At a bare minimum, ALL of the story missions should be available from her for "Meditation". I may only be able to get Tokens from 3 missions a week per character, but I should be able to replay the Campaign any time I want to.

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        1 Reply
        • After reading this post I went through and played them just to refresh my memory. The rewards are still the worst in the game. That Beta tesy armor just blows.

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        • I actually played my three meditations two days ago for the first time in forever because i wanted a change of pace. Then i jumped on yesterday and felt like playing some more story missions over again. I couldnt. 3 a week? Wut. why? Totally agree with people saying there should be more options and they should be repeatable.

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        • I only play the Titan ones since I hate most of the others.

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        • I think I did one meditation at the beginning of D2 and that was it. Never wasted my time with that crap again.

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        • 1. Let me choose the story missions when I want. 2. Modifiers.

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        • <4 Tokens, a chance at getting a piece of armor to drop anyway. Some shards and maybe a Bright Engram if you complete all of them. I just want the nodes for all missions back. I want to replay Beyond Infinity...>

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        • They are just stupid. Why not just give us a small amount of that rank for everything we do.

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        • My time on the game is usually fairly limited so I do have to spend it doing things that assists in my progression. Meditations was probably one of the first things I dropped off my list of things to do once I got the armour set on the titan, as it didn't assist in the power progression grind. I don't think I'm alone in that style of play where you prioritise your powerful engram milestones first and then play the other stuff if you have time throughout the week. The question is, would giving meditations a powerful engram upon completion be game breaking? Not sure, but it would definitely make it on my weekly list of things to do in D2 if it did have the powerful engram attached.

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        • I have an idea. - Make 3-5 random missions/or a playlist have modifiers and make the gear have high light. - make ALL mission available either at ikora or at the planet map - add weapons that have new and never seen design, also never seen perks etc. (Content is hard) Bungie is never going to listen to this sadly because they think destiny2 is good.

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        • Add them back to map and give them their own playlist like we used to have that rotates through them all. (And add rewards for doing so too)

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          2 Replies
          • Im not sure what possessed Bungie to do this. I used to like playing through some of the missions when I felt like it and to be honest, the work that went into them it just seems such a waste not to be able to access them all of the time.

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          • Dude, not kidding, the first thing that popped up when I read the title of this was “wtf are meditations?” Oh God...the Warmind hype...its so good at making me forget glaring issues...

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          • Meditations were only put in because there was no other way to play the initial content you bought again without them. If they took away meditations those story missions in the base game would be single use. The whole thing is complete BS...we should be able to play content we paid for when we want to, not just whenever it's in the weekly rotation...

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          • I think Meditations were Bungie's attempt at the heroic story playlist they introduced at the end of D1...except without rewards of any kind. My feeling is that since we can only do three on each character every week, the drop when we level up Ikora should be a "powerful reward". I never even do them any more. The rewards are terrible.

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