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4/12/2018 7:49:01 PM

Survivors Ch.13: Princes of the Swarm (Part 2)

Table of Contents "Do not let him take it!" Dawn keens. A barrage of ammunition batters the Prince, forcing it to shy away and raise an arm over its face. I join in, discharging Arc energy at the beast, but its stony armor seems to absorb any damage it would have taken. "Guns are useless!" Someone yells. Enraged, the Knight lumbers forward, grasping for its master's weapon. "The sword!" Dawn howls, "Its power is absolute!" A Dreg, woman, and man rush at the Prince with blades drawn, forcing us to stop firing or risk hitting them. The Knight shifts its gaze to them and slings its Cleaver out. The man isn't able to avoid the attack and the blunt edge slams into his head, rending his helmet and sending out a spray of blood and bits of metal. The man drops to the ground, dead, but the Dreg lunges at the Prince with a shock dagger and stabs at its chest. Adjusting its sword to cut down the Dreg, the Knight is caught off guard when the woman hacks at its arm with her rapier. The steel deflects off of its bone armor and the woman tries again. Shards of metal explode in every direction as the rapier shatters. The Prince bats the shocked woman away. "Light!" the Captain next to me gasps, pulling out her own rapier and flinging herself towards the fight. The Prince plunges its Cleaver onto the Dreg's head, unleashing an outburst of Ether. I let my wire rifle clatter to the ground and draw my rapier as well, following the Captain. A Vandal jumps over the downed woman, harrying the Knight with two shock blades. The Prince wards it off as the Captain and I get close, and it braces itself to lash out. I snag the Captain by her armored collar and yank her back. The Knight's blade slashes down, missing her and pounding the concrete in front of her. I dart forward, jabbing my rapier at the Prince's arm, but it deflects uselessly. The Captain and Vandal join in, probing for weak points. The Prince only gets angrier and roars as it severs the Vandal's hand with a savage chop of its sword, then clubs the Captain into me. I fall on the Dreg's carcass and the Captain collapses over my legs. The Knight towers over us, chasing off the wounded Vandal. It kicks the Captain as she tries to rise, rolling her further over my legs. A man jumps on the Prince's back from behind, beating at its head with the butt of his sidearm. I rapidly shove the Captain, helping her to lurch off of me and to her feet. The Prince grips the man and flings him over itself, sending him skidding across the stone floor, then lowers its focus to me. "Keis!" Noel and Avery yell on the comms together while it lifts its Cleaver. I grab at my rapier lying next to me, and stop when I see the Sword of Crota levitating above it. The Knight bellows and swings its blade down at me, and I rock onto my side. The Cleaver barely misses, embedding itself in the corpse under me, but I ignore it and wrap my hand around the handle of Crota's Sword. My touch arouses the effects of gravity, and the sword's weight suddenly falls into my hand. A horribly sickening feeling washes over me, but I ignore it. I let the sword hit the ground and pitch over onto my feet, rising to a crouch and sliding it around me so that it comes to rest under the Prince's lowered frame. Not giving the Knight a chance to do more than tug its Cleaver out of the dead Dreg, I twist the sword so that its edge is pointed skyward. The Prince hurriedly jolts back, but I heave the blade up. Crota's weapon bites into the Prince's face, sending its split helmet spiraling through the air while its ashes and armor spill over me. I let the sword rest on the ground, shaking the ash off of myself. "One blade remains," Dawn hisses forebodingly.

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