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Edited by Wicked_Winnie: 4/18/2018 4:03:04 PM

Remove RAID checkpoints!

I know this will be wildly unpopular for you scummy checkpoint farmers but it's time to remove the raid checkpoints. You are NOT a raider if you aren't running the full raid the majority of the time. Nope, you are just a schmuck trying to impress people with having a high clear number. [b]A clear is suppose to represent a full run and finish to the raid, NOT just a single boss fight. If the number is suppose to represent a single encounter then CHANGE the emblem counter to be encounter specific (like the ghost).[/b] Yes, it will suck for those occasions when something glitchy happens and the whole team has to orbit but you know what... that is few and far between and REAL raiders won't mind starting over. You checkpoint farmers are scrubs of the highest order and EASY to spot on Raid Report with your very long string of 10 minute raid clears. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Let me just add this here for those who say it shouldn't matter: There are leaderboards and it's not right that people who are only doing 10 minute fights and NOT the actual raid are above those of us who actually run the raid! [b]I would be ok with checkpoints if there was NO clear count for only doing the boss fight. Shouldn't get a clear unless you run the whole thing.[/b]

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  • I am not much of a raider (only did it once it twice many years ago), so I have no idea about half of what you're talking about.. but for people like me who only get maybe one chance a year to have the time to do a raid (if that!), the checkpoints were a welcome addition to raids. My life is too busy, as well as those who I play with, to devote 4,5,6, 8 or 9 hours straight to a videogame. So, please bungie, do not remove checkpoints, just add something that notates for these people complaining here that they did it all in one run with no checkpoints. I and my friends always want to do raid but without the time to do it all at once we NEED the checkpoints to do a huge part of the game.

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  • Well said. Raid report has added full clears and I have moved from 600 in the world to 200 in the world. Am sorry I have just got to laugh at Canary and his sad gang of farmers, they are nowhere to be seen on the leaderboards. All he did for a year was farm the same boss over and over again get a life scrub

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  • They "honor" glitching scrubs for World's First and every week for Nightfall high scores. They let people cheat for years. They let people advertise Paid Recoveries every week. You really think they'll get all ethical at this point??? Bungie and their lack of a spine are the root cause of every problem in this dumpster fire.

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  • Special snowflake

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  • Rather than getting rid of checkpoints, perhaps the completion scoreboard should show how many of each section were completed. For instance, an emblem that shows how many times you've cleared every section of the raid, instead of just a "Calus killed" counter on the main emblem. People who farm calus checkpoints are a joke because they think having a high number on that counter means they are elite, when in reality, they're mostly just competent in the Calus fight and fall somewhere between incompetent to mediocre in the other 95% of the raid. Killing the boss over and over doesn't make you a pro raider, it just makes you a pro during that one portion, but as long as Bungie and the other online scoreboards only count the Calus fight, it will remain this way.

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  • Umm what? Removing checkpoints would be insane. This is barely even a real issue. I don't farm checkpoints but I really don't care if other people want to do that. To each their own. Your suggestion is like nuking a city to deal with it's ant problem.

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  • Now I'm not a Pro Leet Raider sponsored by Gamma Labs™, I'm just a stranger on the internet, but I'm just gonna come out and say that I can't support this idea. Not because I'm a checkpoint farmer, but because I like that raids give me the option to come back and tackle something if I don't get it on the first go. I don't care about leaderboards or big numbers, that isn't what the game is about to me. I've been around the block a few times and anytime I hear the words "You're not a real ___ unless you ____" my brain shuts off, because normally it's people trying to use themselves as a benchmark for what measures a member of a specific group, and that's never sat right with me. If you raid then you are a raider, you might be bad at it, you might have only done it once or twice, but if you hop into the mix, you're a raider to me. But you probably don't care about my opinion, and this entire post could be bait to get peoples goat, in which case, this is some high bait. But I digress, I'm just an internet stranger and this isn't really important. Who knows maybe they'll add a Super Cereal Mode where you have to complete the raid in one go or you start over and nobody can join in once it's started. Then everyone gets to be happy.

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    9 Replies
    • And how are stat farmers hurting you exactly? This is just punishing everyone for something that doesn't matter to anyone that doesn't [i]make[/i] it matter.

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      1 Reply
      • Lol they gon hate U for this lol but PLEASE stop giving TOTAL clears to come farmers and i wouldn't care if they farmed until they're eyes bleed lol but the FALSE respect they're giving for farming a cp smh shyt sad af bc a "raid completion" USED to mean a lot B4 thishyt 😢

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        • I have yet to run a single Raid in D2, but enjoyed them in D1. I disagree with the complete removal of them, but I never jumped in a Raid run on somebody else's checkpoint. Just used them for when real life stepped in and caused me to have to abandon the run I was on. That's the only reason I would care to have them remain. Things happen in real life sometimes and the complete removal would not be good for those situations. Maybe instead of complete removal, only give a checkpoint for the parts a person has actually made it to for the week? Not allow people to join a run when they haven't completed it up to that point for the week? It honestly has no bearing on my feelings for the game, but I did find it strange when I first found out that a player could jump in on somebody else's checkpoint.

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        • I don't understand why this bothers you, but no. The checkpoints disappear at reset, so what's the problem? Not everybody can spend a whole night trying to finish the raid. Some people, like me, don't have time to run the raid in one sitting. I haven't even finished the Leviathan, mostly because there's no incentive to.

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        • Name one game that has Raids in it that doesn’t have checkpoints.

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          4 Replies
          • Lol, no it isn't. In a couple of MMOs I play there are quite litteraly checkpoints in the raid you can go into if you had cleared the previous tier at all. So... what is the point your squawking about?

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          • I mean, if the overlords at bungie would grow a pair and actually reward players appropriate loot per encounter I am quite sure players would do full runs. The armor is generic, the guns can be earned from the sweeper bot, there is literally no reason to do the encounters. The reason people made sure to do the warpriest was because he dropped a sniper and a machine gun. Golgoroth dropped useful raid gear, the sisters dropped class items and a shotty, Oryx dropped primary weapons and a helmet, and even the relay dropped a ghost, which was necessary at that time for max light, and a fusion. Every raid encounter in D1 rewarded something unique, but in D2 Luke Spit (on the community) decided nah, lets just rain tokens and a random chance for anything on the loot table for the raid. I mean it's all a steaming pile of shit anyways, right? The hardcore players won't gaf and the casuals will be elated for any loot they get. Am I right Deej, am I right?

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          • <What about those looking to skip the bullshit? I don't give a shit about how many raids I've "completed", sometimes I just want to do one encounter and if it isn't the first one, I need someone with a checkpoint. If I only want to kill Argos I'll skip to Argos if I damn well please. Who gives a shit about the leaderboards?>

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          • How about the people trying to teach others the raid? Or simply practicing a boss fight? Some people might not have the time to finish a whole raid, if they are doing it with players who aren't that experienced, or if you play with people from different timezones. This is just another way to exclude players, so some people can have their special snowflake status. I honestly have no problem with the "no clear count if the raid isn't completed", (we had this in D1 too) but removing the checkpoints has no actual benefit, as far as I can see.

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            12 Replies
            • I agree you shouldn't get a clear if you don't complete all stages. Would also help eliminate the players that join you to get the check point and then leave, so annoying. I think back in D1 the app showed you what stages you completed. Not sure if it counted as a clear if you just did boss encounter.

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            • I agree a [u]checkpoint[/u] [b]shouldn't[/b] count for a clear, [b]BUT[/b] you shouldn't just get rid of every checkpoint, unlike you some people have to deal with crappy fireteam members that leave for no reason.

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            • Come on bro really? Any other way you want me to play my game?

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            • Dumb and no

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            • No

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            • And why do you care? You play the raid any way you want. Problem solved.

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              6 Replies
              • So, I think you could have worded it a little better but I can agree with your point about the leader boards. They should be a more clear representation of actual “completions” and not based on number of encounters. I do not believe removing the checkpoints is a good idea though. So my point here is that the edited part of your post is spot on and a bit nicer. Stay Gold Guardian

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                3 Replies
                • Edited by TheArtist: 4/18/2018 3:36:46 PM
                  NO. Some of us have lives and responsibilities away from the console.

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                  27 Replies
                  • "Yeah let's just gut a major feature that's been around since D1 instead of prioritizing more important aspects of raids that need desperate attention because people cheese the system in order to increase a number that has no impact whatsoever on the gameplay!" What could [u][b]possibly[/b][/u] go wrong? 🤔

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                    2 Replies
                    • I'd prefer they stay. I like helping new raiders, would be annoying to have to start over an entire raid just because one of them had to leave or they just couldn't get it done at that time and wanted to try that part again the next day.

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