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originally posted in: The Cancer has won.
4/17/2018 4:11:36 AM
[quote]Working on it. Beat the cancer for now. The chemo did a number on my immune system. Got hospitalized for anemia, that's under control now, working on getting thyroid back to normal. Didn't really want to alarm anyone here. I expected to be treated just like everyone else. Stayed away from posting or getting into intense discussions on days I felt... unclear. It's slow, but I'm on my way back. Still prefer to using the app on my phone rather than sitting at a computer.[/quote] Slow and steady. Glad to hear that! I thought most used their phones anyways? Unless you’re doing like a DOJO RP or something. Whether you feel it or not, I’m betting you’re a stronger and wiser person after having gone through it. I haven’t suffered anything as hard as you I’m betting, but what I’ve learned from what little I probably comparatively have is that suffering isn’t in vain unless you allow it to be. I don’t say this to stroke your ego, but to encourage you. You aren’t behind in life and perhaps others may not see it, but it’s true. You are where you’re at for a reason that is perhaps beyond your understanding at the moment. And on top of that, you now have a connection to relate to other people with who have or are going through what you have. Stay strong. I hope this didn’t seem cheesy or empty, but if it was, let me know.

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