Hey folks
Looking to join an active D2 PC Clan in the UK (or similar timezone).
Played D1 on Xbox1, currently sat around 316 in D2 but done none of the high-end content, played solo from launch. I'm a mature gamer (44) who has been on the PC scene since Unreal Tournament, MoHAA and CoD1. Played CoD2 & 4 at lans (i-Series) and tournaments (Clanbase, remember them) so i have a rough idea what i'm doing :) Can play most nights of the week, but weekends are very limited due to RL.
I mainly play other Blizz games (WoW, OW, SC2) so I'm looking for a bunch of like minded gamers really :)
Battlenet GabrielTosh#2555
Cheers and happy hunting
Forgot to add my Battlenet GabrielTosh#2555 Cheers cM