My roommate just had a thought. What if they expand the talent tree so that class abilities had their own subset of perks to choose from?
For warlocks each class could have a perk like arc soul. For solar the hits with the soul would add a little burn. Or for void hits could heal a small portion of health or slow the enemy. The arc soul could chain damage to nearby enemies.
Thoughts on how to add some variety to the other class abilities for Hunter or Titan?
I think they should open up the class trees like they were in D1, been saying that since day 1. But I would rather see them add in buffs or changes with mods or make ghosts actual worth while. Hell the perks on ghosts are already random how about making them useful. We already see exotics with minor perks for our class abilities. That shock wave that Warlocks get on their rift the Titans have one that sends out a solar blast from the barrier. And of course there is the whole Jester thing for hunters. But I am talking more like you but have it tied to a ghost. Take 10% less damage from solar damage while in the rift. Activate a overshield that lasts 3 seconds when passing through a Towering Barricade. After dodging a ghost image is left behind that last 3 seconds.
Titan barricades could act like Arc Soul shooting any opponent that came near but the barricade takes less damage to destroy it. Hunters could have one that disabled reload or melee but granted the old Shadestep on the old cooldown. Or improved double jump like what was on Bones.
Edited by Vampire Nox: 4/9/2018 6:54:44 PMWe had more options in D1. Bungie dumbed it down for D2, so Luke Smith's nieces could "understand it better". -blam!-ing seriously...
"We can't do that. Players might like it. They might actually have fun. Then where will we be? This game isn't about fun, it's about PvP balance." -- Bungie
Anything would be better than what they have now
Hunters could teleport a small distence
Hunter could blink a short distance. Like a dodge, but a few feet to the side. It's a thought, but not much