Everyone seems to have a dream, to go flawless in Trials of the Nine. That dream is ultimately shattered because of how the competition is set up against both new players and veterans.
I feel bad for those who never went flawless and try hard to do so. It’s equally a shame others that have the ability and skills to go flawless don’t help the less fortunate as much and even demand money for their “services”.
Be a great helper to the community. People ask for help here and are most of the times turned down because of their stats. That’s like a job not employing you because you have no experience. Isn’t that why you chose the job though, to get experience?
It’s not easy, but if more of the top people or more experienced swallowed their pride and allowed to help others FREELY, I guarantee more people would be happy with this game mode.
Everyone complains about the lack of players in trials. What the OP said. Those who regularly play, maybe you could start helping others than your normal three friends and open the player base up.