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2/22/2018 3:26:32 AM

Why I hate Faction Rally

-Sigh- I'll be honest I hate Faction Rally everytime it comes up. The reason why is because the only good way to get a decent amount of farm going in Faction Rally is done through Public Events and the Lost Sector farm. All other activities don't give nearly enough tokens to make them worthwhile way to rely on farming. Add in the fact that you can be just going for one weapon and just have to farm for hours not getting it from the upgrades because the loot pool time after time gets more and more inflated with each rally. Soon it will be mathematically unlikely you will ever get what you want because the loot pool will just be too large. I think Bungie needs to greatly increase the tokens from activities or implement a system to remove some items every few weeks to curb down the inflating loot pool.

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