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Clan Recruitment

Look for Clans or seek new members.
2/21/2018 1:53:11 AM

Looking for a casual Raiding Clan is a great platform used to form groups for Various activities in the world of Destiny and Destiny 2. Sadly, things have changed and the scales have been tipped by those that post games with absurd requirements and giving invite priority to Friends, defeating the purpose of the platform. I ran the Leviathan with a group of randoms formed through the 100 a few weeks ago and let me tell you, it took 6+ hours. I watched as raid mates and myself improve and become familiar with the mechanics. Yes, we cleared it and yes it was a great time. Sure there were frustrations but we stuck together and pushed on. I haven't ran an enjoyable raid like that since year 1 VOG. If you have this kind of mindset, please give me a shout and tell me about your clan. PS4

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