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Edited by iDovahBear: 2/17/2018 10:55:28 AM

Better Perks. More Perks. Perk Mods. We Need You to Perk Up a Bit, Bungie!

You guys got this. We're just going to need a few concessions, like bringing back good D1 perks. Luck in the Chamber comes to mind. Rangefinder and Shot Package come to mind. Grenades n' Horseshoes is another no brainer perk people would absolutely love to see return. But there's so much more. Because if you're going to seriously consider avoiding bringing back random rolls, that's fine, because the truth is random rolls won't help the franchise if we don't have good perks to begin with. Whether they're Mods or random rolls is not important. So here's an attempt at giving you guys some ideas for perks. This is going to be a growing list over the next few hours or days while I try to compile a list of 'original' perk ideas for Destiny 2. 1. We have Crowd Control and a Rampage perk that increase damage with kills. Why not have a perk that increases stability/accuracy with kills? Why not have this perk also reduce the hidden stat for screen shake when landing precision shots? This would be targeted for bullet hoses in particular. 2. We have Glass Half Full to increase damage towards the bottom of the magazine. How about a perk that reduces bloom and/or increases accuracy/stability or reduces the hidden stat for screen shake the lower the magazine gets? That way you don't give the weapon a flat bonus, but you give it something to make every bullet count especially towards the bottom half of the magazine. In fact this would not only work amazingly for Auto Rifles and Submachine Guns, but I could see Hand Cannons benefiting from this wonderfully. 2. Bring back Unflinching, but as a Helmet mod. Or keep it on weapons, but have it scale based on Resilience. Have it peak better than the original Unflinching at full health + high resilience but taper off as a player is closer to death. Or don't have it taper at all, I mean after all the lore states that a Guardian's skin tears like paper and they feel nothing, and that our armor and light absorb most of the impact anyhow. Perking up to become nigh immune to all but the heaviest of flinching (HCR) seems feasible. 3. This could probably be an Exotic perk idea and deserves to be applied to a very specific weapon type, ideally a bullet hose. Imagine having an item that reloaded incredibly fast (we're talking Outlaw levels here,) but that didn't always reload itself [i]completely.[/i] But that because it always reloaded so fast, you could just hit it again and reload it [i]even more[/i] by likely another small increment. But then have it designed so that the gun can [i]intentionally[/i] reload higher than the current magazine limit. This makes the gun's niche really interesting: It is possible to try and exploit it but that'd be minimal. The real niche is being able to reload a few vital rounds in a dire situation where a normal gun just wouldn't reload in time to try and make a play happen. 4. A perk that lets you reload while running without a movement speed penalty. Crazy, right? People want this as a base feature. And MAYBE it deserves to be that much. But this might be a useful perk if you won't provide that functionality as a base feature. Honestly you might need to add more to this perk to make it worth having though, I'd suggest combining it with faster strafing while ADS perhaps, because it alone isn't honestly good enough. 5. How about a perk that increases precision scaling at the detriment of non-precision scaling? I always thought this would be a really fair way to balance perks like Stopping Power in Call of Duty. Simply make it so that precision hits register for much more damage, but lower body shots. Scale it so that the average players' accuracy only nets a minor advantage over a player with the same accuracy and gun minus this perk. Then it would only be worth having for players who thrive with that weapon type. The great thing about this perk is that it literally works for everything sans explosive weapons. 6. If we can't do the above and adjust scaling between precision and nonprecision hits, what about for when the bullets are hitting a shielded vs unshielded target? Maybe something akin to armor-piercing rounds as a perk, where it's useful for helping shred the players' shields faster but past that it functions as normal. Or maybe it's the reverse, that after punching through their shield it's more powerful, although honestly this overlaps with Foetracer just a bit too much for me to like the idea. Or maybe that's what'd make it a great idea! Who knows.

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