I have been trying to get my NAT type to change from strict to moderate or open for 3 days now.
I have tried every single solution i have thought of, or found on the internet and not a single one has worked so far.
I have upnp enabled on my router, that does not do anything.
I have port forwarded 3074 and 3097, does nothing.
I have port forwarded the range of 12000-64000. Doesn't work.
I have added rules to the firewall(which i also tried disabling completely), to enable Destiny 2 traffic, doesn't work either.
The only difference from other computers that i have noticed is that, on my computer, my "Internal Port" is always 3097, yet my "External Port" is randomized , between 50000 and 68000, whenever i launch the game.Yet on other computers, the Internal and External ports are the same, both 3097.([url]https://imgur.com/Uzhhw8E[/url])
I believe this is the problem that is causing my NAT type to be stuck on strict, and i have nothing else to try and fix it. I have tried everything i know.
Please help me with this, because i get kicked every few minutes with random errors, and i cannot see anyone in most public spaces.
Have you tried this: https://community.callofduty.com/t5/Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-3/resolve-strict-nat-on-thomson-gateway-for-all-systems/td-p/4392402? [url=https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS752US758&ei=UzkDWrzSMoiEjwPV3LiQAw&q=thomson+tg585+v7+strict+nat+type&oq=thomson+tg585+v7+strict+nat+type&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30k1.127472.133232.0.133664.]LMGTFY[/url]