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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Grinning Zarado: 1/18/2018 10:37:04 AM

A Steady Stream of Content

My biggest issue with Destiny 2 isn't Eververse or no reason to own 3 copies of Better Devils but the fact that there is a very underwhelming amount of content. Bungie touts that Destiny 2 was suppose to improve upon Destiny. They got rid of random rolls. Cool in my own opinion that makes balancing idividuals weapons and not an entire class of weapons (looking at you handcannons from D1) easier giving all guns the chances to be the meta depending on your playstyle. Now the place i thinked they missed their mark in this was not seperating PvP and PvE weapons. I get most people hate it when Destiny is compared to an MMO but lets be frank. It is one. Some weird amalgamation of MMO and FPS but when it boils down to it is. People occupy the same space and can interact with other people (albeit not on the same scale as other MMOs) within that space. In most MMOs their is a clear seperation of PvP and PvE gear. Stats are different, how you play is different. Static weapons were the perfect way of seperating the gear. PvP weapons and gear could balanced more toward the sort of team play D2 was based off. With PvP specific perks and such. This was the system I was hoping for and I didn't see it. Instead Nameless Midnight (PvE weapon drop) was a part of the PvP meta when D2 came out. A bit of a let down, but not as big as the total amount of items. Lets take a quick look at numbers in D2. After a little research (and a bit of rounding) there are about 435 pieces of armor across all three classes (rounding is involved and I didn't include exotics) I looked at a couple other MMOs and took into account the number of expansions and figured out the amount of armor and differences in number classes and took whatever number would bring it down to an equal number (meaning if the MMO had 7 classes i would bring the percentage down by 3/7) then depending on the total number of expansions reduce that number again. It boiled down to 1927 pieces of armor for 3 classes which is approximately 4.5 times greater than D2 has after the base game and 1 expansion. So let that sink in. Thats just armor. Lets talk about other content like raids and strikes and PvP modes. In the base game of another MMO it had and astounding 20 raids. (Im not saying D2 needs 20 raids even though that'd be awesome) Destiny ended with 4. But it also had PoE and Archons Forge. PvP i won't use another MMO for this instead I'll use a previous Bungie game. Halo: Reach had 12 multiplayer mode. Arena Juggernaut Head Hunter Generator Defense CTF Stockpile King of the Hill Slayer Infection just to name a few (others were just different permutations of these modes like 3 plot) Then lets look at Destiny. Clash Combined arms Control Elmination Mayhem Rumble Salvage Supremacy Zone Control Rift And SRL. Heres the D2 list Countdown Control Survival Clash Supremacy Im not gonna bother adding trials of osiris or the nine in here cause whats the point. I get its hard to make content but when The Dark Below dropped we got another raid. When The Curse of Osiris dropped I got a raid lair. When I played the heroic version of a raid in D1 i was rewarded with better gear, unique weapons than the normal version. If I do the raid in D2 i get emblems and ornaments and a silly achievement. All I ask is for more content. Not just more content but quality content. I did WoTM 3 times a week in hopes to get the Nanopoesis shader or nanophoenix ship for months. It was a grind for the items i wanted. Sure i also grinded for that T12 set of intellect and discipline gear but I also grinded for the ornaments to make my heroic raid gear glow. Not to mention the books that were provided and all that. Can I have my exotic Fatebringer back too? That thing was the best.

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