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1/12/2018 8:48:17 PM

Update reality check

I spent too much time on the forums during the time of Destiny. But I learned something about Bungie. They say what they want, irrespective of what's been written in the feedback forum. They make the game they want. They add the features they want. And they talk to the players in pseudo-roleplay speak. And when Destiny 2 was announced I made a decision I didn't stick to. I told myself I wouldn't read or write in the forums. I also made a decision to accept Destiny 2 for whatever it was because I knew Bungie wasn't going to change who they were. And they didn't disappoint. They are handling Destiny 2 the exact same way they handled Destiny. They way they talk to the community, they way they release content, and their plans for the future of the game. Yesterday's update essentially said "we're going to give you features you already had in Destiny, but that we withheld from Destiny 2 for the specific purpose of giving it to you at a later date so that you will be excited because you think you're getting something new." And yes, there are people excitedly posting in feedback that these are the features they've been asking for. Go figure. If the Destiny franchise is to be a game as a service, then why didn't all the features and gameplay modes that existed in Destiny as of October 2016 make into Destiny 2? Why did we get a stripped down version of the crucible at launch? But the biggest sin committed in the update yesterday was not talking about and apologizing for the reason that #removeeververse became a thing. They simply ignored it by saying the the "scales were tipped to far in Tess's favor" Really? That's it? Pages and pages of #removeeververse and that's all you have to say? I'm not suggesting that anyone boycott Destiny 2 or is stupid for playing it. No. We each have to make a decision that best suits us. What I am saying is that we all need to acknowledge that no matter what we say or do, Bungie will never acknowledge our posts outright and make an apology to the player base for hiding content behind a paywall. Nor acknowledge there culpability in the matter. Instead speaking in pseudo-roleplay speak as if Tess is a real person who has anything to do with what's for sale at Eververse. Hey Bungie, we're listening.

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  • Edited by gallp13: 1/13/2018 10:10:14 PM
    Hmmmm, pondering ..... D2 dev rebooted in 16 Need 3 years for AAA dev Update is really to finish D2 Will we get new and innovative stuff in 2019 .... when D3 release is likely 2020 ? Add to this Bungie’s very poor project mngt practice in evidence during Halo, D1 (reboot) and now D2 (reboot). One wonders how much slip may occur in 2018. Best guess; Not much innovation can happen in D2 as it’s development lost a year between 2014 and 2015 which is now being recovered in 2018 and the studio will have now commenced the D3 development cycle. If memory serves, I thought a read a snippet somewhere that Jones is directing Bungie to explore “other projects” as well ? This means D2 [b][u]WILL BECOME[/u][/b] D1 albeit w/ better story, bigger worlds and QoL improvements in inventory management. That’s fine for casuals but I’m a hobbyist and was looking for a better story, old worlds plus new worlds, innovation in pve encounters and ranked pvp to continue the journey to become legend. Regrettably this now seems unlikely to be the case during D2. For me there are 2 choices; accept and play or leave and take a look at D3. Only thing keeping me playing is butter smooth gun play, supporting friends and my clan duties. But I’m thinking reeeeeaaaaaal hard now about just moving on and am very interested in finding a new Destiny like game.

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