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1/13/2018 5:00:18 PM

Solution to the underutilization of snipers/shotguns/grenade launchers in PvP

Not being a developer, I understand that my knowledge of the ammo system and it's inherent limitations may severely affect what I perceive is possible with the distribution of power ammo during PvP. However, this post will explore two possible solutions to the underutilization of snipers, shotguns, and grenade launchers in PvP. A) Acquired power ammo drops upon death: As we saw in Mayhem during the Dawning, power ammo dropped from those we killed who already had power ammo. I racked up a few extra kills this way. With rocket launcher, I generally only got one extra rocket per pickup, which is fine. In regular crucible play, this may be a bit overpowering for rocket launchers, but what it allows is for an exact amount of heavy ammo shots per match. No loss of heavy ammo happens regardless of whether or not the original taker dies. This transference of power ammo creates an environment where sniper users have a reason to keep it in their power slot. Shotguns will see a boost for this as well. You kill Rockets McGee, and you get some shotgun ammo for free. The transference will benefit everyone. This also means that if you manage to respawn and track down the guy/gal who stole your power ammo, you can potentially get it back, thus extending the usage of your sniper/shotgun. The next issue becomes how much ammo you actually get from the power ammo drop. Personally, I think the transferring of ammo solution renders this less of a problem. But there can be a case made that snipers and shotguns are low on power ammo when they do acquire it. However, I don't have numbers to support this, so take it with a grain of salt for conversation purposes only. Grenade launchers are a different bag. I actually think they need to be split into two categories: status effect grenade launchers and damage focused grenade launchers. Let's face it. When's the last time you said, "You know, I need that one shot, low damage weapon because the status effect helps me win"? Yeah, me neither. Three solutions: 1) prolong the duration of the status effect. 2) put status effect grenade launcher in energy slots 3) increase the number of rounds in the magazine. High damage grenade launchers are *fairly* balanced in my opinion. Not perfect, but there are reasons to use one under specific circumstances over rocket launcher. Not many...but some. To that end, staying in the power slot is fine and they will see a boost from ammo transference measures to make them more viable. B) Map design: make maps that are larger with long sight lines for snipers, and maps that are smaller, possibly maze like, for increased incentive for shotgun usage. This is simply a design flaw to me. Why choose a shotgun or a sniper on a map where a scout rifle and auto rifles rip people apart? It's simply not logical. They occupy the same space enough to make the ammo famine of supreme consideration. Addition, submachine guns can melt in the same space as shotguns. Granted, not a one shot kill. But why choose a shotgun when the map is large enough to support my rocket with cluster bombs? Doesn't make sense. Also, longer maps support the usage of rockets with tracking, so you'll see added weapon usage variation as well. Let's not even begin to discuss how a vehicles game mode would also bring out the best tracking rocket users... I don't want to get into a massive dissertation here, as this can absolutely go that route. Just some of thoughts to spur creativity. Thanks for reading.

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