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Edited by reyway777: 1/29/2018 4:34:04 PM

<= this is how many people want more in depth subclass trees to anyone who wants to see some more depth in destiny and wants to see it become more of a RPG than a FPS, i suggest you look into this reddit post. lets get this trending so the Devs can see this and maybe fix their boring game EDIT- Holy Blam 2000+ upvotes?! wow, im so thankul and happy to hear so many people agree the game needs more depth. THANK YOU so much everyone! i know Bungie will have to see this and take notice now! you guys are the real MVP. EDIT Part 2 - I just want to say thank you to everyone upvoting and even down voting, just sharing your opinions and ideas can only help. and im reading and upvoting as many of your comments i can, even if i dont agree with them personlly, if you pose an interesting reason or solution, ill do my best to respond. EDIT Part 3 - Well Bungie, the ball's in your court now, what will you do? will you betray our trust again? or will you listen to us and help you fix your game. please, we all care about Destiny and know that it can become something great, let us help. EDIT 4 - Guys, dgm said hes looking at the feedback forum for ideas. we need to make sure they see this

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  • no reply still

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  • Still no reply

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  • Still no reply from bungie

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  • bump

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  • We need a third skill tree for each subclass. That’s it.

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  • Edited by Myles_Version21: 1/11/2018 3:44:58 PM
    How is sub-class tree’s the only problem with this broken game? LOOK at the rubbish that’s available to us as end-game rewards whether it be merely cosmetic or advantageous. Can you honestly say that there is any good loot in this game? I think not. Gone are the god rolls on weapons that suited your play style. Gone are the OP strike/raid specific weapons that made your next time round repeating the event more enjoyable. Gone are the replayable missions and the hidden exotic quests that required a fire team of 3 to complete (Black Spindle). Gone are hidden ghosts and stat goals that unlocked the lore some of us avid readers were keen to explore. Gone are the exciting game 6v6 game modes in PvP that incited more mayhem than strategy. Gone are the kiosks that held onto our collection of exotics and shaders. Gone are the shaders. Gone are the challenge books that gave you loads to get on with and rewarded you for actually playing the game. Gone is the subclass customisation tree allowing you to fully tweak your guardian’s abilities to suit your play-style. Gone is the jump in/out PvE game modes that gave you waves of enemies to kill as a fireteam for good rewards (PoE). Gone are the bounties that asked you to do stuff. Gone are the exotic bounties that came with them. Gone is the reputation system that was better than this token system. Gone is the ‘other stuff’ that Xur used to sell. Gone is the perfect and previously unbroken weapon system of ‘Primary’, ‘Special’ and ‘Heavy’ slots. Gone are the rocket launchers that held two rounds... I’m tired.

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    31 Replies
    • more paths and/or (preferably) mix and match perks

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    • Enhancing the class system would shatter the balance in PVP and I DON'T CARE CUS AT LEAST IT WOULD BE FUN Dark souls has a thriving pvp community and ZERO balance. I just want to use a stupid fun build like my sunsinger in D1 with Sunbreaker gauntlets and solar grenades Or my Sunbreaker Titan with Simmering Flames and double fusions Give players enough options and they'll balance it themselves

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    • Preach brother !!!! Some tag cosmo and deej for this post

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    • Edited by Popwatts: 1/13/2018 1:25:51 PM
      Bump! This game needs more depth! Bungie should play a few games that have skill trees to find out how to do it! Try borderlands, WoW, sheeeit - any RPG. It's like they actually dont know what it takes to make a game with level progression. I mean seriously - levels in both D1 and D2 don't mean anythin, they only open access to gear, and are so easy to max that there is absolutely no point to them...

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    • 100% It’s because ideas are what bungie is running out of by making smaller things comeback and then later they are like oh look a new gun in the game. Well we saw that 2 dlcs ago and shows that they are saving content and being lazy. They are not creating any new shit. the dev team is the worst I’ve ever seen. Look at other companies like treyarch, they got whole maps remastered faster than u can make a raid. That’s sad. BUNGIE just go back to halo and hand this game over to someone who cares.

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    • dmg tweeted he'd be letting us know when feedback from the forums was passed onto the higher ups. where you at man?

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    • Honestly surprised this hasn’t been moved to feedback yet to get it out of the spotlight of the ALL tab.

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    • Bump

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    • If they showed actual Numerical representation when it comes to subclass boosts I would care more. Options are nice but if we could 'Ascend' and lvl break to earn more nodes to equip without restriction that requires an insane amount of xp.

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    • Bump dont let this die

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    • Classes and skills need to be expanded. Period.

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    • Do it bungie

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    • I just made a pilgrimage from #Offtopic to remind you all that it's not too late to use your disks of D2 as a limited edition drink coaster. But for those of you who bought digital, you're SOL.

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      2 Replies
      • Downvoted for stupid arrow. It's my new gig. Enjoy the bump

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      • 1
        Yes please, that and some blasted weapon changes (looking at you, fixed perks and double primary)

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      • Honestly this. D2 have us less of everything, and the less customization in general (both on guns and for subclasses) is probably the biggest let down for me.

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      • Bump!

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      • Bump!!!

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      • Glad to see a "more customization depth" post with over 3000 upvotes.

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      • Who cares let’s push for new subclasses

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