With there being mass rumours of a January 11th Nintendo Direct what do you guys want/expect to see from Nintendo in this direct or just this year?
I want:
•Some information on virtual console
•Paid online service, and party chat
•Some information on a Starfox title
•Some information on a fire emblem title
•Some dlc for Botw if it's good
•Some teasers for the logo only announced games(bayonetta 3, Metroid prime 4, possibly Pokemon)
•Some third party games that aren't indies, sports games or old shit :|
- A ton of ports of old games I've already completed - Maybe 3 to 4 Nintendo games - A shit ton of bundles late in the year
A new Donkey Kong game could be cool. Preferably something that isn't a sidescroller.
1. Sexy. 2. Anime. 3. Babes.
-Smash -Metroid -Donkey Kong -an actually good new Starfox title -Switch Fit? -Switch Sports? -Switch Sports Resort?
A real animal crossing game
A nice new pokemon game would be good, i had kind of stopped caring for their games when black and white came out, but i was pleasantly surprised with sun and moon, so i hope they make another game more in that direction. I am also looking forward to the new fire emblem game that is supposed to release this year. They really nailed the mechanics and tactics in fates (especially for conquest), so i am excited to see what we get this year. Hopefully they keep a lot of the same mechanics like the weapons system, but add in a better story and better characters (preferably not more clones, and maybe no children characters unless it actually has to do with the story). I would also love it if they finally figure out their virtual console. The switch is perfect for having their mobile titles on (a much better option than the wiiu anyways, which they tried to use for some strange reason). If they would bring over the library they had amassed on the wiiu and 3ds and brought it to the switch it would be great. I would also love it if they finally added gamecube games, for to long we have been using home brewed wiis to play all of those games. Many would gladly pay for a mario sports bundle, and fire emblem path of radiance and radiant dawn are still selling for insane prices (even used copies sell for over $100).
Honestly nothing big. They blew their load as far as what I’m interested in. Pokémon, Smash, etc just don’t do it for me.
A N64 mini at the end of the year, probably a bunch of Amibo's.
So should someone make a thread for the direct tomorrow?
I want that new metroid prime.
Hopefully something other than Mario or Zelda
How could they top last year?
Mediocrity ?........[spoiler]joke, Smash Brothers[/spoiler]
I’m super excited for a new Metroid game. I hear it’s going to be open world and having not had a new Metroid game (personally) since prime 3 launched all those years ago it may convince me to buy a switch.
Just announce new games like officially announce pikmin 4 and plz Nintendo make a new punch out.
Cross platform play with more games.
Just wanting to hear more on Pokémon, finished Odyssey to my disappointment and believe it or not I’ve yet to start the BoTW DLC
probs just 28th and 29th sequels for all their games
I would love to see what their future plans are for upcoming Pokemon releases. Would also really hope to see new Metroid titles that aren't Metroid Prime.
Smash Bros 4 ported to the Switch with all DLCs with a few new fighters and stages (kinda like what they did with MK 8 Deluxe)
I have been saying this since the Wii. But I would love to be able to have access to all of their back catalog of games for a reasonable price
Pokemon would be the only thing that would get me to buy the switch
More streaming apps.
I’m actually pretty happy with the BOTW dlc we got. That being said I’d like to see smash Bros and a pokemon game for the switch however I’d want them to take their time and make them good and if that means waiting past 2018 then I’m not bothered by it.