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1/4/2018 1:16:08 AM

This game is so broken

Where to begin? Well to start out, I've played Destiny since the beta to D1 came out. In fact, I've essentially stopped playing other games because I enjoy playing Destiny so much. D1 started out a little rough, but it morphed into a really solid game. After playing D2 since the beta, as well, I fully believe this should have just been another DLC for D1. The content was light, far too easy, and mostly just a ton of cut scenes. The weapons are all just slight variations of the same weapon with different sounds and slightly different stats. The exotics are really not any better than the legendary weapons, the legendary weapons aren't any better than their blue versions, and it doesn't feel like you've got any sort of uniqueness with any weapon available. The crucible system is a joke. Two game modes to choose from regularly, quickplay or competitive, seems like a major step back backward instead of building from where D1 left off. We all have certain game modes we enjoy, and limiting it to a two rotating choices as well as limiting the fireteam size to 4 was a very poor decision. I absolutely despise control, countdown, supremacy, and mayhem (especially mayhem). Being able to select just the game mode you enjoy should have been a simple inclusion to the successor of D1. Instead, we get forced diversity and a much lesser experience instead of the progression that we deserved. Trials has turned into a battle of who can gather the most ridiculously stacked team, and has abandoned any idea of skill based matchmaking. There's no reason whatsoever a team with 3.0kd average and 2600+ elo average should ever get matched up against 1.0kd average players with a 1400 elo average. Then, there's the player getting kicked due to connection not being able to rejoin. Everybody's connection is totally fine until a few games into trials. Strange phenomenon.... Then you have guys with 5.0 kds that somehow have superhuman resilience that can take out an entire team of 4 singlehandedly while being fired upon by the entire team. Needless to say, the PVP portion is beyond broken. This raid is the least enjoyable since they tried to skimp out on a raid by giving us the prison of elders. I disliked it so much I haven't played it since a week before hard mode leviathan. Maybe the new one is better. I'll have to give it a chance, but seeing as though everything else to this point seems more and more like a step further back from their roots, I have my doubts. The RNG portion of this game is beyond broken. It's been a full month since the new DLC, and I have one character that coincidentally finally achieved 335 this week. I have been trying for 4 weeks to get my main guardian, my Titan, maxed out at 335. Every week, I get the same equipment over and over except for the pieces I need. I have yet to get a chest plate that gets my light over 330 for that piece while all other pieces are 335. Legendary engrams are essentially useless pieces to break down for parts because they only drop 11 light level below your current light level, and help absolutely none at all. I don't even get remotely excited to see them anymore. Leveling up relies on them randomly not giving you the same equipment you've gotten 100 times when completing the small amount of milestones available each week (or going flawless in trials which is getting much harder with the stupidly stacked teams and zero skill based matchmaking). Don't get me started on making shaders a consumable, as well as the weapon/armor mod system. Games are supposed to be enjoyable to play. D2 lacks that factor. It feels more like an un-rewording chore that is light years behind where D1 left off. It was fun for about a month, because it was new, but it is quickly becoming my least favorite sequel ever. Fix the vendors to allow high level gear to be purchased, and to have available options with fulfillment requirements. Bring back bounties. Fix the three of coins. Make shaders not consumable again. Unbalance the weapons in crucible. Open up more game modes, and adjust the fireteam sizes back to 3/6. Fix the rng to not give you the same equipment repeatedly. Bring back ammo synths. Make the weapons more unique. Match pvp games more on similar skill levels. Make gear worth grinding for again. Make it to where it doesn't take 55+ engrams in iron banner to get one of 10 available items while still not getting 4 of them through two events. Fix engrams to be at level you are at, or closer than -11 light level. Take the stupid timer off of the nightfall. Fix the rewards for prestige nightfall. Despite the story mode be ridiculously easy to solo, and the lack of endgame content, I still had high hopes of this game morphing into even a shell of what D1 was. Sadly, it seems as though you guys are still moving backward. Please, make Destiny great again. You had a great model to work from. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Enhance it! /rant P.S. I'm sure I'll get haters saying to quit whining, and deservedly so, but I'm certain that many of my gripes are commonly held by nearly everybody I play with.

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