[quote]I didn't read your spoilers, until now. I like how you tell people that someone spent 15 million on a game. It was 15k. You know how many zeroes you -blam!-ed that up by?
Or how you tell them that you have to buy street fighter characters but you didn't actually even check. But please go on about how I don't know what I'm talking about, when you literally admitted you don't.[/quote]
So I made a typo, I messed up by 3 zeros. My bad, so you now you are saying that it is still ok for a company's microtransactions to be so addictive that someone spends [i][b][u]$15,000[/u][/b][/i] on them? That's still a very large number. Sorry bub but the same point is getting across regardless.
As for street fighter... Either way, look it up. It is a fact that you purchase street fighter characters.
Please explain to me how exactly how my grammatical error, or me admitting that for [i]one[/i] part of my post I did not take the time to research disproves that
If all of these other companies are profiting from similar microtransactions, then video games [b]as a whole[/b] will never get out of this microtransaction era. Boycotting 1 game company when there are many others will not change anything. Sure it may change this 1 in particular, as whole, this overall issue will never be resolved with just 1 game.
You replying to this by bringing up grammatical errors just shows that you obviously don't have the capability of disproving anything I have said (except for 1 number).
See you wrote a book. It's not a best seller though. Not gonna read that shit. Shorten your emotional responses up.
[quote]See you wrote a book. It's not a best seller though. Not gonna read that shit. Shorten your emotional responses up.[/quote] Translation: You are correct Gu1tarpunk41.
It's good that you can admit I was correct.
Edited by Gu1TaRpuNk41: 1/3/2018 2:46:28 PM[quote]It's good that you can admit I was correct.[/quote] Now you're just being not only ignorant, but delirious as well. Maybe have your mom take you to a Dr.?
Epic burn bro. It's like 3rd degree burn shit.