[quote]oh the bright dust that you get from, mainly, OTHER Eververse items......great comeback....[/quote]
The op says in his defense :[quote]You can get them with credits earned from playing multiplayer matches. No one has to spend money on them unless they want to.[/quote]
Eververse items can be obtained by doing literally anything in the game.
How many shaders/ships/sparrows are you still hoarding that you will never use? You'd be supprised how much you can get.
my Titan has Dawning boots/chest/gloves/helmet/Exotic Ship all bought with BD from Eververse (I'm about treefiddy short of the Mark) and all I've done is broken down a shit load of ships/sparrows/shaders which, as you said, were just sat there unused on my character. I hasten to add that I pretty much completely stopped playing D2 for a month or so before CoO dropped and I've only been playing one Char casually since the new content so it's not like I was super hoarding... but hey, what's fact and/or reason got to do this debate, right...?
But you see it takes forever to get one bright engram even with 3x xp so you really only get maybe one or 2 engrams if you don't play that often and for bright dust unless you have a ton of stuff to get rid of you won't have much for said item you want to get for that week. You are just some idiot who is defending microtransactions. As far as the dawning you only get 2 engrams a week for one character, yeah you can do the daily ones but they won't give you armor or the exotic ghost you may want (yeah we know it's being sold today) but some people don't have that kinda dust to spend. You only get 6 real engrams for the duration of the event and if your luck is bad then you won't get jack. *mic drop*
Funny thing is the casual player experience got screwed over by the people who spent all day grinding for bright engrams. They complained about exp throttling and so bungie said sorry and made increased how much it took to level. So now insted of having 3 lvls you can blow through fast its all a grind.
[quote]But you see it takes forever to get one bright engram even with 3x xp so you really only get maybe one or 2 engrams if you don't play that often and for bright dust unless you have a ton of stuff to get rid of you won't have much for said item you want to get for that week. You are just some idiot who is defending microtransactions. As far as the dawning you only get 2 engrams a week for one character, yeah you can do the daily ones but they won't give you armor or the exotic ghost you may want (yeah we know it's being sold today) but some people don't have that kinda dust to spend. You only get 6 real engrams for the duration of the event and if your luck is bad then you won't get jack. *mic drop*[/quote] So your complaint seems to be that the in game method isn't fast enough if you don't actually play the game and you want a faster way to obtain them. Congrats, bungie has provided that in silver. What's worth more? Your time or your money? I'm not saying eververse is perfect, it definitely needs a revamp but it isn't the pure evil that the internet is making it out to be. It's the internet doing what the internet does, overreact.
Really I got three tonight alone from completing one nightfall maybe three strikes and two raid encounters. And possibly there were 5 prestige nightfall attempts to MY CLAN engram. Which didn’t happen but addressed in many threads soon to our numbered this ban eververse malarkey.
The fact you signed off with [i]*mic drop*[/i] makes this incoherent, rambling mess [i]that[/i] much more tragic.