All bungie gives us is the same old "[b]we'll talk more later[/b]" line, despite the fact that the forums have been burning for some time now. What will make them listen? Our complaints? Obviously not. If eververse proves one thing it is that money is the only language that bungie understands. If those of you who support #removeeverpurse really want to send a message, then pick a day (for example Friday) and everyone who still plays agree not to play on that day. We spread the word before that day across the forums, across reddit. We convince our friends/clan mates who play to play something else that day. We do this, [i]every week[/i]. If bungie doesn't notice our presence they will certainly notice our absence. What do you say? Boycott Destiny Friday anyone? Lets send bungie a message through action...
[b]***Comment [i]#boycottdestinyfriday[/i] Below!!!***[/b]
Wouldn't boycottdestinyfriday mean we don't support the cause? This is totally over-complicating things. Don't like the game? Don't like Eververse? Simply stop playing. That's what I did. No need for grandstanding or half-baked causes--just stop playing the game until enough changes are made that you want to come back. You vote with your time and not playing sends the ultimate message. Eating at McDonald's everyday except Friday doesn't send a clear message that you don't like McDonald's. If you don't like McDonald's you just stop eating there.