You can’t boycott a product that you’ve already paid for stupid, you’re like one of the idiots that smashed their kurig coffee maker.
They won't make anymore money if people dont play. People will stop buying DLC, Eververse items, then either they can change their game for the better or they can die out and lose a chunk of money.
That's funny I just bought a kurig what made this funnier is my phone autocorrects kurig into put it
Do u not hear the reports of how few players play trials anymore. Thats a way to promote change, so yes u can boycot something uve already bought
It would show a united player base.
wait i love my Kurig..
But if their not playing that means their less likely to purchase silver.
Actually, playerbase is a metric constantly tracked by gaming companies as an indicator to the health of their game. It gives a very good indication of how many people might buy DLC, microtransactions, and future titles. A waning playerbase is always the best way to get developers to change/fix issues with their game.
Or the idiot that stands in line for 2 days for there brand new game system release only to take it out side and smash it in front of everyone.
I want to be that guy when I grow up...