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Edited by Willy Bum Bum: 1/2/2018 9:28:04 AM

If This Community Can Pull Off "removeeverpurse" We Can Pull Off "Boycott Destiny Friday"

All bungie gives us is the same old "[b]we'll talk more later[/b]" line, despite the fact that the forums have been burning for some time now. What will make them listen? Our complaints? Obviously not. If eververse proves one thing it is that money is the only language that bungie understands. If those of you who support #removeeverpurse really want to send a message, then pick a day (for example Friday) and everyone who still plays agree not to play on that day. We spread the word before that day across the forums, across reddit. We convince our friends/clan mates who play to play something else that day. We do this, [i]every week[/i]. If bungie doesn't notice our presence they will certainly notice our absence. What do you say? Boycott Destiny Friday anyone? Lets send bungie a message through action... [b]BOYCOTT DESTINY FRIDAY!!![/b] [b]***Comment [i]#boycottdestinyfriday[/i] Below!!!***[/b]

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  • I haven’t played destiny 2 much recently, but I’ll be sure to log on on Friday now.

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  • Idk man fridays usually my day off of work😂

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  • Lol 😂 good luck with your boycott kiddo 👍👍👍 another useless post in this section

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  • no, because that requires people to actually do something instead of just typing two words into a thread title and hitting post. i’m not saying i am against the whole remove eververse thing, however, i feel like as soon as people are required to potentially change their routine for this protest of sorts, no one will comply. also bearing in mind that the forum represents very little of the population so even if you get most of the forum to not log in on friday there will still be hundreds of thousands logging in. i’m not saying i disagree. i think it’s a great idea. it just won’t work. it’s like getting everyone to text resist to 50810 (which was still too much work for some people) and then trying to get everyone to call or write a letter to their congressman. some people just cannot be bothered unfortunately, whether it be they don’t think their single opinion matters or that they just do not care.

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  • That won’t prove anything. I didn’t play for two weeks because I just like other games too.

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  • I will be boycotting Destiny 2 on Friday. [spoiler]I did not purchase Destiny 2 as I am an intelligent consumer[/spoiler]

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  • #boycottdestiny2 All we get are more and more "fixes" and "promises" But it's the same every time, a little plaster over a massive wound to make you think it's got better! It hasn't, and it won't! We have been given a sequel that has less content than the original. Fine!!! But no new subclass, no new worth while mechanics, less pvp options and modes, weapons so balanced they are dull and pointless, no actual endgame pounds or purpose, no specific strike loot, hell, strikes aren't even part of the story, just disjointed, hollow point and shoot. We were told we would have a sequel, we have a reboot at best, that has ignored lore and purpose and geared towards our cash! Enough is enough!! Start, one day, just one day everybody stands together and doesn't log in, just to send that message that, we want more!!! You want them to listen? Make them!! You want more content? Demand it!!! Everybody stand together to show them just how passionate we are, for the community, for the old bungie, and for the game we came to love!! Boycott destiny!!! Spread the word!!!there's only one darkness I see in the destiny universe, and it's called greed and complacency. #boycottdestiny2

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  • Nah

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  • I mean the main reason they haven't been replying is because they are on holiday leave. They'll be back and as soon as they are I'm sure the first thing they will be speaking of is eververse. We did get the whole "we here you loud and clear" excuse but let's just see what happens.

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  • Stop f-ing apologizeing bungie about your f-ing mistakes and actually do something about it!!! Put heavy ammo synths back into the game and have the heroic strikes have modifiers. Have it where you get more xp so people can get more luminous engrams. Put non stop events like sparrow racing in the game. I'm not a game developer but I'm pretty sure I can make a better f-ing game then you f&@k's. Cause all you care about is money not the game itself. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. Apparently you don't know how to run a business. Oh and also make it so ppl don't get the same weapon and armor drops like 20 f-ing times in a row. That would be nice.

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  • It's dying on its own. Let it pass.

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  • Cool Friday is my day off, will start playing 9am till 9pm, Raids and Nightfalls anyone?

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  • Claims the community pulled off “remove eververse” Yet eververse is still a thing and hasn’t changed And I’ve seen plenty people, every day, buy loot boxes from Tess all while the kids on the forums claimed they won. Shame this toxic community will never figure out the real problem or settle on what they really want

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    2 Replies
    • Wouldn't boycottdestinyfriday mean we don't support the cause? This is totally over-complicating things. Don't like the game? Don't like Eververse? Simply stop playing. That's what I did. No need for grandstanding or half-baked causes--just stop playing the game until enough changes are made that you want to come back. You vote with your time and not playing sends the ultimate message. Eating at McDonald's everyday except Friday doesn't send a clear message that you don't like McDonald's. If you don't like McDonald's you just stop eating there.

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    • Why not the entirety of the game? What good is taking one day off when you still play any other day? Quite a mind numbing decision if I were Bungie looking into this. I'd boycott D3 if people want real change 👍

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    • I'll play that day

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    • Wouldn't #BOYCOTTBungieThursday I say Wednesday might work too?

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    • I have a solution for all of you. Just stop playing this game all together. Bungie dug their grave the second they started development of D2. Judging by their recent actions, they will most likely not recover from this and the franchise will be completely dead in 6 months. It's great to be vocal on the forums but your voice would go much farther if you just stopped playing.

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    • Bungie as a company that we know and love has been done for some time now. This series has been nothing but misses and failed opportunities. It's just a real shame what could have been accomplished here. I just get a sour taste in my mouth when I play anymore. Nothing more but a fast cash grab. RIP Bungie

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    • You are still playing? Why?

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    • Why play at all until this gets sorted out? I'm a huge Destiny fan and haven't played since September 2017 after I saw the direction that Bungie had decided to go with this franchise. Just don't play at all until they begin meaningful interactions with their community.

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      • I just quit until it gets fixed

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        • You can’t boycott a product that you’ve already paid for stupid, you’re like one of the idiots that smashed their kurig coffee maker.

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          9 Replies
          • Just stop playing! Not just on Friday, everyday!

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          • We're sorry ha ha

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          • Bungitard fanboys are still claiming there's a million playing this garbage daily? Wow. Now I understand the disillusion they are having. go here - [url][/url] 313,045 Tracked Yesterday (for ALL platforms!) On a winter break!

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