Why is it that of the 3 solar subclasses sunbreakers seem to be the weakest? I understand that my hammers of Sol have a one hit kill. But during mayhem I realised if I went up against a dawnblade or a gunslinger their hits can one hit kill me meanwhile it takes 2 to 3 hammers to kill them.
U wot m8? Hammers is one of the more potent supers in Mayhem. You throw hammers that dish out insane damage, which have massive clusters for even more damage in a generous AoE. And you throw, what now, seven of them? Direct hammer hits will also OHKO any of the roaming supers aside from a blocking Sentinel. Also a GG only OHKOs you if you’re shot in the head, Dawnblade I think needs a direct hit. You have many health with Hammer of Sol. Hammers is by no means weak