Optional but not required at all. That's the difference. I don't make the rules I'm just pointing out that it's not illegal.
It’s optional to not spend cash in a casino but does that mean that they are not regulated.
You're missing the point. No government issued money is required to use eververse. It can be used for free and you still get stuff. If you can't understand that then that's your problem. With a casino you don't have to spend any money in there but if you want to play any of their games you do have to spend money. You don't at eververse. It's really simple.
I see your point on that. They let’s say highly encourage it.
If the random roll was removed and one was allowed to buy each item with in game currency or real monies or both then I would have no problem at all. It’s the slot machine game they are playing that is the problem.
Personally I'd prefer the random rolls back. It was one of my favourite things to grind in D1. But that's another topic. I see your point though and agree something needs to change with it regarding the randomness of the items. They tweeted today that they're going to address some issues in the new year so we shall see.
And why funnel players to the cash store after ever level up. It looks as if they are trying real hard to get impulse buys at the eververse store. If that stoped I think it would go a long way.
Yes, but since the game came out it has been one cluster after another. The game should of baked for another year.