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12/23/2017 7:58:08 PM

Okay, seriously? This Nova Bomb glitch is -blam!-ing insane

I can understand why Bungie isn't banning players for using it, it is their fault that the glitch even exists after all, but the way they're punishing players currently (glitched Nova Bomb kills are only worth one point as opposed to several) is way too lenient. Mayhem, judging from the icon, is only going to be around for the Holidays, then it'll disappear for a while again. Just guessing that the glitch isn't even going to be fixed until AFTER the holidays, which means we won't get to enjoy Mayhem properly this Season. If Bungie really can't fix Nova Bombs right now, then at least punish players who do it properly. Not saying bans, just make it so that glitched Nova Bombs earn NO POINTS AT ALL, for the player or their team. In addition, once the glitch has been fixed properly, bring Mayhem back as a permanent thing in the crucible. Current state of the crucible isn't fun.

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