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Edited by Vromora: 12/23/2017 5:44:03 PM

"We'll address feedback in 2018!" Ahhhh shit, here we go.

Give em one more chance?


It doesn't matter. -blam!- Bungie.


Really? After everything you've run us through, you end the year off with your grossest form or microtransactions yet, and decide to go on break instead of fixing this? I'm done. I was with this franchise back when it was still a dream. A spectacle on the E3 stage where I knew what I wanted to play. An amazing experience from the Halo guys. Several years later, and here we are. -blam!-. I don't know what else to say. Just -blam!-. I can't support Bungie anymore. I've even payed my fair share of micro-currencies in order to obtain in-game currencies which are for "JUST COSMETIC" purposes (Thank you Jim Sterling) but there is no silver lining. Their greed knows no end, and to prey on younger audiences, especially, ESPECIALLY, around Christmas time is horrific and unjust. I don't want to be part of this anymore, and that's fine. It's my game, my money, I'll do what I want just like everyone else in this community is entitled to do. But let me just be the one to say it. -blam!- you Bungie. -blam!- you for a horrible attempt at a single player experience (I mean the -blam!-ing HALO guys couldn't pull this off?!) -blam!- you for awful collector editions (which yes I own.) -blam!- you for the best, but yet most repetitive raid and awful loot system since year 1 d1. -blam!- you for the worst Iron Banner to date. -blam!- you for removing every good game mechanic in the first game that you put in years later, so you could do the same with this next "10 year plan". -blam!- you for your worst dlc to date, as well as gating out parts of the community as well as tampering with the xp system. -blam!- you for getting me addicted to lazer tag in the crucible and taking that away too. (Probably the best week in my crucible career.) And -blam!- you for only having a couple of decent people who will talk to us, like Cozmo and Christopher Barrett, (seriously, you guys are great.) And that's really it. I'm putting the game down so they can "fix it and apologize later." But really I'd rather do something else this holiday season. I'm always willing to play more Destiny, I've grown attached to it, but It's like watching a son struggling with his heroin addiction. And I want to help, but everytime I do I get stabbed with the same damn needle! And before anyone defends Bungie and says this is Activision, just know, Act is the publisher. Who made the game? Bungie. Who thanks us everytime? <3 Bungie. Who apologizes two weeks after every -blam!- up? BUNGIE. And who put microtransactions as well as that blue balling bitch Tess Everis in the game? Mother-blam!-ing Bungie. My passion has been extinguished. My love for a once great company is blurred, and considering the other events that transpired this year *cough* EA *cough* you'd really think we would learn by now. But I think it's too late. Like a dog with rabies. Now I don't know about anyone else, but I've had to do the deed. And I'll put this dog down too. It needs to be done. Then, and maybe then, I'll consider accepting your -blam!-ing apology. TL;DR I basically just vent the frustrations I've had the past 3 or so months with this game and the horrible mess Bungie fell into this time. Emphasis on "this time" because these guys do it every other week it seems. And my hatred really goes to certain extents, though I do thank only a few employees who try to help the situation, as well as those who go unnamed. They probably have the worst job going on right now and 90% of the community will turn a blind eye to them. I just can't support Bungie anymore. And when they put up that little message at the end of every game that says thank from the guys at Bungie and it's community, I know that, well, THAT is the biggest lie I've read to this date. Because that passion? That once passionate game developer? Ha. Don't even try with me, because the greedy hard on they have for your wallet is the only thing I can see. If you are new to the community, I apologize that you've joined at a bad time. But frankly things might not get better. And if you haven't purchased Destiny yet, don't. Not until it's fixed. And by fixed, that means not by god damn Bungie's standards, but when you get the green light from it's community. Thank you for giving me time Guardians, but my light needs to shut off for a while. Wake me up when you need me.

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