This really needs to be toned down. You're already at a disadvantage, as you're likely being shot by their teammate already and taking a lot of damage, so you don't need this massive flinch that's basically impossible to shoot/aim through.
Skip to 0:52 for clarification of what I'm talking about.
Straight on flinch, while annoying, is manageable; however, flinch from the side is nearly impossible to compensate for and needs to be addressed.
That video there is prior to the high calibur rounds nerf to scouts and auto's so the demenstration isn't entirely accurate. With that I would consider that change pretty low priority with the other slew of issues crucible has currently.
Dude would u shut up. If u cant handle it just stay the fućk out of crucible.
Flinch from the side is not impossible to compensate for lol. Much of flinch is artificial. The reticle moves very little which is why even in D1 with the flinch increase on snipers, you could still get headshot by any decent sniper while unloading on his face.
Flinch was never and will never be a fun mechanic. It puts some unneeded randomness into the firefights...
Its also there in pve. Its ridiculous how bad it can get you're practically laying on your side.
Honestly they just need to turn off the flinch physics at this point. It's gotten to where literally nothing gets used if it doesn't have hcr. And I'm sick of hearing would be snipers cry so damned hard every single day because they can't camp anymore. Just turn off the flinch physics once and for all and be done with it.
Edited by tjtremor: 12/19/2017 1:11:17 AMtrash Bungie ! flinch is garbage just like them since you found a few people in PVP that can help you, you should do damage types, and review some weapons :-) not to mention if you try to pick up heavy, I'm 99% holding square and bam resets
They really need to turn it off.
It was toned down a lot it also depends on how many sources with high caliber shoot at ya