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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
12/14/2017 9:34:17 PM


If your invintory is full and you purchase legendary engrams from master rahool. Instead of them going to the postman they disappear. Wish i new before i wasted all my shards. All to get my favorite weapons in the masterwork version. Go to the vult yo find NONE. Wasted so much time saving all them legendary shards to. Now have 1000 left when i play all 3 characters have 2 out of 3 at 335. Honestly for me to even type a message to you means i have a probem that has absolutley crushed my spirit. Im not asking for you to give me more shards or masterwork weapons. All i ask is that it be tested properly before a release. If the people you have cant do it i would raise a hand. I dont even wanf your money i play the game all the time anyway. But just please fix this problem. Before you loose everyone that cared.

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