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12/13/2017 12:44:38 AM

Bungie is the High Council from Halo

I was thinking about this. The high Council from Halo 1 - 3 talk about taking the Covenant on the great journey. This journey being highly sought after and built around a faith. If you do not believe in the journey or fail at stopping anything that could damage the path to the journey you will be left behind. The journey however is a path only to destruction. Destiny is the great journey. Bungie is the high council telling everyone about how this great journey will last a decade, perhaps longer. This journey that if you don't buy the DLC, you will be left behind. A journey that is only a path to destruction because of the amount if mistakes being made I do not see Destiny ever being what people want it to be and will surely fail. Just something I thought was interesting. I see similarities.

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